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Soobin's POV.

I nodded, "Okay... then- goodnight Yeon."

"Goodnight Bin."

I exited the car and walked to the front door. When I turned around Yeonjun was pulling out of the driveway, I waved a small "bye" to him and he waved back before finally driving off.

Yeonjun is gone...Our night is over now...

I opened the door and looked around the living room to see no one. I turned around and closed the door making sure to lock it.

"Hyung?" A sleepy voice called out from the hallway.

"Kai?" I questioned turning to see him, "Why're you still awake?"

"Mom and I were worried. I tried calling you but you wouldn't answer. She called Yunho next since she knew you two had gone out to study," Kai explained. "He told us you were with him but I was still worried," Kai said.

"Yeah, I was... but, just now, I was with Yeonjun."

"Yeonjun Hyung?? I thought you guys were mad at each other?" Kai's eyebrows raised.

"We worked things out," I revealed.

"Oh! That's good Hyung!" He smiled, "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Kai. Now go to bed okay? It's really late."

"I mean I was asleep but I woke up and I heard the door open," He claims. "Also mom's asleep and dad said he had to leave for a business trip earlier today so he won't be back for a while.."

"Alright, but you can't just stay awake all night. You'll crash in school tomorrow." I patted his head and ruffled his hair, "Now go to sleep, it's already midnight."

"I know Hyung," Kai pouted. "Can I get a goodnight hug?" He asked

Gosh, I wanna pinch his cheeks. Kai's so adorable. "Alright, come here," I opened my arms and Kai immediately threw himself onto me; he hugged me tightly and let out a small giggle as I tightened my embrace as well. "Happy?"

"Mhm," He nodded. "Well, good night Hyungie," He smiled.

Kai ran off to his room and entered it, shutting the door behind him and closing the lights. I also went over to my room, closing the door behind me and shutting the lights. After getting under the covers I heard my phone vibrate. I grabbed it from my nightstand and checked. Yeonjun was calling.

Oh! Um... He's calling me?? Should I answer..? oh gosh should I answer!?!?

I panicked but answered the call. "Hello?" Yeonjun said. "Sorry if my call startled you Bin, I just wanted to hear your voice..." He admitted.

My heart jumped. Yeonjun's so sweet... Just to hear my voice huh..? I smiled to myself feeling a blush creep up on my face. "It's okay Yeonjun. Don't worry about it," I spoke softly. "Um... No worries... I'm glad you called me. I missed your voice too." Yeonjun giggled. We spent the rest of the night on call chatting with each other. I think eventually I fell asleep but I wasn't sure if Yeonjun had ended the call or not. But the next morning when I woke up I found out.

I yawned, stretching my arms wide, "Morning sleepyhead," A voice chuckled.

I jumped quickly turning my gaze to my phone. I was still on the call we started yesterday. "Yeon... you're still-"

"On call? Of course! You know Binnie. Even when asleep you sound beautiful. Your snoring is so cute," Yeonju giggled.

"You make me blush," I mumbled. "But Hyung.... My phone's gonna die soon. So I do have to go."

"Aww, it's okay Binnie.. I'll see you later okay?"

"Yeah... see you," I replied.

After hanging up, I left my phone to charge and headed to the bathroom before going downstairs to the kitchen. "Morning Hyung," Kai spoke.

"Good morning Kai," I said back.

I sat down at the table and grabbed my plate. "Soobin dear what would you like for lunch today?" My mother asked.

"Anything's fine eomma," I answered. She nodded and began preparing my lunch.

"Hyungie, can you help me with my project today after school?" Kai asked.

"Sure, when's it due?" I asked taking a bite of my food.

"Next week on Wednesday," Kai revealed.

"Okay, hurry up you two. You don't wanna be late do you?" Mom spoke walking over to grab her car keys.


Our mom drove us to Kai's school first, like always. Kai was in his last year of middle school while I was a Junior in high school. (I don't know how the Korean school system works so I'm using the American system)

"So," She starts. "Where were you last night and the day before? I called you but you didn't answer. And when I called your friend he said you were with him."

"I was... but," I stopped.

"But what?" She questioned.

"Yesterday I was with Yeonjun..."

My mom goes silent for a few seconds before responding. "You and Yeonjun? Alone together?"

"Yeah... we made up," I explain. "We're talking like friends again."

"Just friends," She raised her eyebrow. "When will you confess to him?" She asked randomly. "It's been a while with your whole crush situation I just don't want you to get hurt if he finds someone else baby,"

Little did she know...
My face turned red at her words. "I don't know... Do you really think Yeonjun feels the same way?"

"Oh honey, have you seen the way he looks at you? It's as if you're the most precious thing he's seen in his life," She explains. "And if he doesn't like you then it's his loss because there's no one else in the world as amazing as you son," She claims.

"You really think so?" I already knew the answer to that though. It was true, but I didn't want to tell her... Not yet... "Mom... I like him.. a lot. And if he... likes me too then, I'm sure we'll get together one day..." I spoke smiling to myself.

"If he breaks your heart, I'll give him a piece of my mind and we'll see what happens," She threatened. I chuckled at my mom's words. "So just tell him already!" She pushed.

"Okay ma. I'll tell him, but it might take some time," I answered.

She sighs. "All this time bullshit, you've had time Soobin. How long has it been since you've been crushing on your best friend? Oh right? It's been a whole year??" She reminds.

"Hey, don't be harsh on me," I pouted.

"I just want what's best for you, dear. Now go on, have a good day at school."

Seems I was too distracted to notice that we had already arrived at my school, "Okay... Be careful, I love you Ma."

"I love you too Soobin, come home safe honey," She smiled.

I exited the car and started walking to the front entrance of my school. Hopefully, things go well today....

A/N: What do you think will happen next?? Did Soobin jinx himself with that last line??? Or do his hopes come true?

Find in tomorrow's episode of "Will things go badly!?!?!?" 😱😱

Jk, but also.... Be prepared >:)


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