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Soobin's POV.

Almost two months now... and we're still not together. I won't blame Jun though. Why? He's not here... It's winter break currently and Yeonjun's family had traveled overseas to America at the beginning of December. I miss him, I haven't even gotten to hear his voice over call because he can't call while overseas due to the money he would have to pay for it.

But today, his family was traveling back. The new year had begun and unfortunately, we couldn't spend New Year or Christmas together...

But on the bright side I get to see him tomorrow? Or that's what I thought.

"Soobin dear can you get the door someone's knocking!" My mom shouted.

"Coming!" I yelled back, getting up from my bed and rushing out of my room and to the door. I peeked through the peephole but saw no one. Hm..? Did we get ding-dong ditched?

Just to be sure I opened the door and looked out to the left, I should've looked to my right... "Boo!" I jumped, falling back on my bum in shock. Yeonjun laughed and kneeled to help me, "Are you okay Binnie?"

"Y-Yeon... Yeonjun!" I shouted, slapping him roughly. But at the same time, I pulled him into a hug and cried against his shoulder, "You left me..."

"Soobin..." Yeonjun spoke softly, "Baby don't cry."

"I- I'm sorry," I gasped.

"Don't apologize," He rubbed my back. "I missed you, I told my mom I wanted to see you and she let me. I just couldn't wait til tomorrow."

"Soobin what happened!?" I heard my mom ask as she walked over. "Oh my! Yeonjun, welcome back dear."

"Thank you," Yeonjun chuckled. "It's good to see you again Mrs. Choi."

She smiled at him, "Soobin stop crying in front of the boy and help him inside."

"R-right," I sniffed, wiping my face.

"Oh it's okay, I don't mind." Yeonjun grabbed my hand and helped me get up off the floor. I held onto him tightly not wanting to let go as I sniffed some more. My face was filled with tears. "Come on, let's go to your room."

I nodded and walked along next to him. "Yeon I'm sorry," I sniffed again.

Yeonjun stayed silent until we reached my room, once we did he pulled me to his lap as he sat on my bed, "Don't apologize Bin, I don't mind if you cry. I missed you too, so, so much," Yeonjun kissed the top of my head.

"Stop, you'll make me cry again," I slapped his arm weakly and felt my eyes tear up as my voice cried out more in happiness and pain.

"S- sorry, I'm sorry baby," He apologized, holding me tighter and leaving kisses around my face.

At first I smiled at his response. I smiled at his attempt to make me happy. But then... "S-stop it," I mumbled, trying to push away.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Don't call me that... and don't kiss me," I shook my head turning it to the side.

"Why... what did I do?" Yeonjun asked

"We're not dating... Only couples do that," I muttered with a frown.

Yeonjun's eyes widened and I could see the regret and hurt radiating from them, "I'm sorry Bin... I didn't mean to make you wait this long..." I didn't answer and he didn't say another word, we just sat there in silence. I was in his arms but I wish I wasn't, I wish we were sitting further apart... "Should I go, Binnie? Do you want me to leave," he asked.

"No," I answered softly, shaking my head. "S-stay the night."

"Okay... okay I'll stay the night, if that's what you want," He laid his head against mine and caressed my arm softly.


I yawned, stretching my arms and rubbing my eyes, "Is my little Bunny tired?" Yeonjun asked, nuzzling his face into my neck after giving me a back hug. I giggled and pushed him off.

"I'm not a bunny," I pouted and furrowed my eyes at him.

"But you're just as cute as one," He pouted back and squeezed my cheeks inward with his hand.

"Can we just sleep," I asked.

"Course," He nods his head. "Want me to sleep with you?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Then I'll be on the floor-"

"N- no... no, don't do that..." I shook my head. "I- I'll be on the floor," I claimed.

"Forget about it. Bin, you're not sleeping on the floor, or else we'll both be on the floor."

"Fine, then we're both on my bed," I pouted.

Yeonjun pulled me into his arms, "I'm sorry dear." He pressed a kiss to my cheek and nuzzled against me.

"F- for what...?" I asked.

"For everything, just... just give me, one more week," He spoke.

"Fine......" I mumbled.

That's where our conversation ended. It was just silent for the rest of the night no words or hums exchanged.

A/N: I'm just stalling now tbh 🧍‍♀️
Who knows when Soobin will get asked out 🤷‍♀️

So yeah, here's another filler part for ya 😋


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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