Chapter 1- Nothing breaks like a soul

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'I had a dream once. What a wonderful dream it was..'

"Now then. Do you, Cross Peñaloza, take this man, Nightmare Joku, as your husband, to have and to hold, to obey. Till death do you part?"

Cross simply lowered his head slightly, attempting to ignore the little voices in his head telling him how much of a disappointment he was.

"I do."


'I had a dream where I escaped this place. I was happy somewhere, somewhere...where no one would hurt me.'

"Alright, listen here, Cross."

Cross froze. He had stopped walking. Turning towards the owner of the very familiar voice.


X seemed angry with him. Which didn't come as a surprise, X always seemed angry at him whether he did something or not.

"Do not fail me, you brat."
X roughly grabbed Cross by the jaw, Cross yelped. Shaking.
"You better not make a fool of our family name. If I hear any of which you disrespected or disobeyed the Lord, it won't go unpunished."

"Y-yes s-sir..!"
Cross whimpered out, X only growled before he let Cross go and headed towards a different direction. Presumably, back to the party which Cross had stepped out from.

As soon as the elder man was out of sight, Cross leaned his back on the wall, needing to catch his breath.
'Why me...?'
He couldn't even take in some fresh air in peace.

He then thought back to what his father told him, or rather threatened him. 'Obey?'
Cross brought his thumb to his mouth and bit onto it. A habit he had when he was nervous.
'Is he anything like you?...Father'

Cross shakily sighed, taking a moment to calm himself before the tears that pricked his eyes fell.
'I don't want to live like that..'


'Someone took me with them. They never hurt me, never berated me'

Walking to his bedchamer, he found he his three maids already in there to help him change into more comfortable clothes than the suit he wore during his wedding.

Quickly changing while the maids busied themselves around his room. He looked in the long mirror then to the floor, gripping onto his shirt.
He didn't want this. The whole point of this was so that his father would pass on his burden of war to Lord Nightmare and his own army. That way, X didn't have much to lose, and using Cross as a pawn in this game made it easier for him.

X was a Duke, after all.

Cross quietly whined when the door opened. Nightmare had walked in.
The servants quickly excused themselves, biding the Lord goodbye, but the taller didn't seem to acknowledge them.

Cross met his gaze, almost trembling. But Nightmare spoke first.

"My presence may scare you, so if you dont wish to perform our marital duty. Then I will leave if you ask me too."

'He won't tell me too..?'

Alittle relieved. Cross gently shook his head.
"No.. I-i don't want y-you to leave."

"Do you wish to... continue our marital?"
The Lord spoke softly.

"D-Do you w-want to?"
Cross mentally cussed at himself for stuttering so much.

"This decision is entirely up to you, Cross."

Cross clenched his jaw. He was scared.
'I don't want to do this.. but I can't have him leave, i-if father finds out I kicked him out, he'll...'


Nightmare raised a brow.

"I-Im sorry. I-i'm scared i d-dont want t-to, I'm really sorry...!"
He gripped onto his shirt. He wanted to cry.

Nightmare sighed, taking Cross into his arms gently. Cross gasped, his head placed on the tallers chest. He felt the Lord rubbing his back.
"Shh, calm down. Then we don't have to."

Cross felt his soul race. The other didn't sound mad. That was a good thing, right? He wouldn't have any consequences, right?

Oh, the relief that flooded through his soul was refreshing, he only closed his eyes, pressing himself more onto Nights chest. His breathing had become more even.

But Morning soon came, and Cross had woken up to find he was alone In bed. At first, he figured Nightmare had woken up and was downstairs, but it would soon be debunked when he found out that Nightmare had already left for war.

He was left to face the cruelty of his Father again...

'But it seemed to only be a dream...'

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