Chapter 36 - A Misunderstanding

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Being in his study was often a bore.
Cross wanted to fall asleep sometimes, especially in his newly found condition.

Finally , he finished his last draft for the day until a knock was at the door.
With a soft 'come in' the door opened.

"Cross? dearest I was looking for you."
Nightmare walked up to him. Tho strangely enough, another had followed Nightmare behind him.

'Whose that..?'

He felt the Lord lay a gentle kiss on his head.
"Darling, this is the new Lord Mericus, from the kingdom of Stormguard."
He gestured.


That's right he had forgotten they were throwing another ball later that day, others might be arriving now.

"Lord Mericus, at your service, your Grace."
The newly Lord gave a respectful bow before walking up closer to the smallers desk.

"And might I add you look quite ravishing in person."
He added as he lightly took Cross' hand and kissed the back of it.

Cross felt little embarrassed by the gesture but didn't think anything of it. Some do it as a sign of respect.

"I'll leave you to your own dearest, I'll meet with you later."
The Dark Lord spoke as he gave the smaller a proper kiss briefly before excusing both himself and Mericus.

'Hm, he's certainly interesting..'


Later in the day,  where the ball was already starting. There were two individuals who stood out.

Error and Ink.

The servant merely walked around, having finished his tasked he tended to walk around on his own unless he was called.

Though, he was feeling alittle down lately.
It had something to do with a specific Lord.

Error. The only one who he keeps having his affairs with.
The one who everyone looks up to, the one who.. might've been lying to him all this time.

'He says he loves me, yet there's others who want him.'

Ink felt overwhelmed.
'We're not married, so why should I care. He's a Lord who can go after who he wishes, even multiple at a time!'

Ink shakily sighed.
'I'm just a servant.'

He continued walking, admiring the moonlight through the windows. The hallway was large.


A voice kept him from walking further.


The Lord walked up to him.
"Where were you, I thought we were to meet in our original stop?"
He raised a hand to caress his cheek, only for Ink to simply pull away.

"Sorry, my Lord, I had other plans."

Ink spoke and moved past him, confusing Error.
But the Artist soon halted again as Error grabbed his hand.


The smaller only hummed.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?"
Error asked as he pressed himself closer to Ink, Ink hated that it nearly brought him comfort.
"If it's something you want, you need only ask."

Ink felt himself on the verge of breakdown.

"I need you to stop."

"To stop?"

Ink pushed himself away from Errors hold.
"I need you to stop calling me that!"
The smaller shouted, the Lord felt taken aback.


"Stop doing this! Stop acting like you care, Stop acting like you love me!"

Ink felt tears in his eyes as he continued to shout.

"For once I actually thought someone cared! I thought you wanted me! But instead here I am, a mere fool! seeing you hold and love others!"

"Ink, i-"

"Save it!"
Tears made their way down Inks face.
"I was a fool to think you, A Lord, would want a mere butler like me.."


"How many have you laid with..?"

"What? Ink i-"

"Don't bother lying!"
Ink snarled.
"I gave myself to you! You bedded me! told me you only wanted me! But I didn't think that in someway you've loved others the same!"

Ink didn't understand why he had been let on.

It wasn't until he saw a few of his fellow maids standing at the corner of the hallway did he realize his mistake.


They know... they know of his embarrassment..

Ink ran, ignoring Errors calling his name behind him.

'Congratulations Ink. You've done it again.'


Cross was by the buffet table, eating snacks, enjoying the view, Nightmare was attending something with the guards first so he was left incharge until he got back.

He had already spoken to a few there.

Except his father....

Cross shook at the thought.
'I wish he would just go away..'
That dreadful man..

"Your Grace?"

He said snapped out of his trance as he heard a voice called out to him.

It was Lord Mericus.

Cross had done some research on him, finding out he was the only heir to his throne, his father was assassinated 5 months ago, and his mother died in child birth.


"H-Hello my Lord."

Mericus chuckled.
Taking Cross' hand again to plant a kiss on the back.

"Say, where is our great Lord tonight?"
Mericus asked.

"O-Oh, He's out on s-some business right now, he'll be b-back soon "

Mericus hummed.

"In that case, would you like to go for a walk, Your Grace?"

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