Chapter 37 - 2 Suitors?

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Walking around the silent halls of the castle, where only footsteps were heard.

Both Cross and Mericus walked the halls, talking about nothing.

"Say, your Grace, how pleasant is it living here?"


"Well, it's been comfortable. My Lord always makes sure so, and the people seem to atleast like me in some way."
Cross spoke.

'Better then back home..'

The thought alone made him nauseous.

Mericus didn't seem content with that answer.

"Y'know, your Grace. My people back home would be delighted to meet you."

"O-Oh? Then we'll be sure to visit sometime soon."

Mericus chuckled.
"I meant to say you alone, Your Grace."

Cross felt taken aback. He stopped walking.
"How s-so? I can't go anywhere without m-my Lord."

That's not always true, but Cross started feeling alittle uncomfortable with the situation, especially since the entire time the newly-found Lord was so close to him as if his husband were.

"Does that man ever leave you to yourself?"

"O-Only when we have our own duties and problems."

Mericus scoffed and mumbled something under his breath.
Cross hummed in question before the Lord sent him a glare.

That made Cross more uneasy.

"M-Maybe we should h-head back to the ballroom-"
Cross stated as he started to walk away.

Only for a hand to grabbed his arm and pull him back.
He yelped as Mericus held his wrist tightly, staring at him.

"W-What a-are you-"

"You were supposed to be mine first."

Cross's eyes widened.

"There was almost a deal made between your father and mine while he was still alive. But that damn Nightmare came into the picture and ruined everything!"
Mericus shouted.

'W-What t-the hell is he t-talking about!

"A-A deal?"
Cross shakily asked.

"I would've been the one to take you from your father, but who could've refused someone from the main 7 Kingdoms, I don't know how he did it to secure you to Nightmare! But I had to wait longer to ascend the throne!"

'I-I had two suitors?'
Cross was shaking.
'W-Why is h-he doing this-'

Mericus gripped the smallers face, which resulted in a yelp from Cross.
"How dare you and yours-"

Cross managed to kick the man away and make a run for it.
Hearing the screams of the man behind him.

He didn't look back.
He didn't care about him. He just wanted to head back to the ball room, or find someone quickly.

'Nightmare, where are you..'


Error was still trying to find Ink, almost desperately at this point.

Be heard footsteps behind him, almost as if someone was running, quickly he turned around, only to suddenly be held by someone.

"Hey! What the he-..."

That when he realized who it was.

"Cross? What are you doing?"

He took note that the other was shaking, crying, he had a weak grip.

"D-Dont l-let go please, p-please dont..."
The other pleaded.

This confused Error, especially because there was no way in hell Cross would be hugging him out of nowhere.

Instead, he decided to be nice and lightly tap the smallers back.

"What happened? Why are you crying? And where's Nightmare?"

"I-I don't know w-where he is.."

The taller Lord sighed.
"Alright, Your Grace, let's go find that husband of yours."

But Cross wouldn't budge.

So, in a respectful manner, he took Cross by the arm and began to walk with him. Hoping it'd ease him in some way.

He didn't ask what happened the rest of the way, he figured it was Nightmares business.

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