Chapter 8 - A Clue

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It has been three weeks since Cross arrived in Andromeda. He seemed to have gotten more accustomed to his new life here.

He was also informed on the paperwork he would be doing to help Nightmare.

Cross would be in charge of making sure the town had met all their needs, taxes, and funds as well as the Castles' and even remodeling the palace if needed.

All while Nightmare handles the heavier work. Which included his guards in training.

Right now, Cross was working on all the paperwork. He was inside Nightmares' office.

He sighed. Leaning back on his chair.
'This town requires so much.'

But he couldn't really complain. He had heavier work back at home, and he definitely didn't want to get yelled at or even hit across the face.

The thought alone made him nervous. He definitely didn't want to make Nightmare mad. So biting his finger, he kept working.

A couple of hours went by, and he started nodding off. Before he knew it, without meaning too, he fell asleep.


Groaning, he was nudged awake.

Opening his eye-sockets, he tiredly sat up his gaze following as he was slightly startled. looking between Ink and Nightmare.


"Cross, are you alright?"
Nightmare asked. Removing his and from Cross' shoulder.

'I fell asleep, didn't i?'

"I-im fine. I-Im sorry I d-didn't mean to fall asleep."

'Am I going to get introuble...?'

Though Nightmare looked relieved.
"Good, I thought I needed to call the physician."

Cross shook his head.
"N-No. I'm alright, my Lord."

Ink walked up to the desk and placed a cup of tea infront of him.
"Drink this, your Grace. It should help with your tiredness."

The smaller quickly thanked him, and dismissed himself outside.
Taking the cup of tea, he noticed Nightmare picking up some of the documents he had been working on.

Looking through them. Cross couldn't help but grow anxious.

'Is something wrong? D-Did I mess it up?'

Turning his head to the side.

'Is he angry with me?'
Cross could only wonder.

Nightmare merely placed it back on the desk.
Humming, he pointed to something on the paper.

"You should switch these two around, dear. It's good after that."

"Oh. Yes, i-i will change that."
He put his drink down and sighed in relief.
'So he isn't mad'


Cross turned his full attention on his Lord.

"Take a break if you need to."
The Lord held his cheek.
"I don't need you pushing yourself."

"I'm Okay, my Lord. Really. I just didn't mean to doze off."

"Well, if you're not tired, then you wouldn't mind if I show you something."

Cross tilted his head.
"What is it?"


Nightmare passed him a box once they had arrived in their bedchamber.

Confused. Cross opened it.

He perked up once he saw the type of books inside. They were exactly the ones he had asked for. Well, he asked Ink for a few weeks back.
The study stars and constellations, and even the planets.

He eyes were basically sparkling.

"A-are these for me?"

"Yes, all of it."
Nightmare walked up next to him. Placing an arm around his waist.

"Your little maid told me how you like to study these things, so I brought you some extras."

Cross was in awe. Though Nightmare took his silence for anything but.

"Do you.. not like them?"

"Are you kidding, Night these are amazing!"
Cross didn't realize how childish he sounded, but he didn't seem to care, and neither did Nightmare.

This time, it was Cross who initiated the kiss, pulling Nightmare down, feeling him wrapping his arms around his waist.

He pulled away much to the Lords dismay. Cross only offered a smile.

"Thank you, this is really kind of you."


Nightmare stood still for a moment before he snarled and pulled the other down for another kiss.

This one lasted longer, as it quickly turned french. Cross was blushing a deep mauve. It was getting a little hard to breathe.

Once they pulled away, the Lord went to immediately nip at his neck.
"You have no idea what you did just there.."
The tallers voice was barely a whisper as he continued to mark his neck.

Cross gripped onto his shoulders as he was pinned to the wall.
"N-Night, we already- d-did it l-last night."
The smaller panted, gasping breaking up his sentence.

"You fanned the flames yourself, Cross. Now you better put it out."


It was quiet, Cross was asleep, his chest rising up and down calmly.

Nightmare didn't fall asleep yet. It had been an hour and he couldn't sleep.

Only cuddling his lover closer, gently tracing the almost faded marks on his back.

He hated how his partner had it. And he HATED whoever did it, they'll regret it once he finds out who ever put their hands on his spouse.

Whether it be a male or female, he didn't care, he'll equally chop their hands off.

Kissing Cross on the cheek a couple of times. The smaller stirred but didn't wake up, only pressing himself closer to Nightmares chest.

He stared in awe.

Despite being known as cold and heartless, he had such a shy and fragile husband.

'I think I have a clue on who....'

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