Chapter 9 - Dinner with the knight's

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Nightmare nodded.
"I do believe it's time they see who else they'll be serving under."

A dinner with the Knights who attended the war, the champaign.
Cross was nervous. He nearly raised a hand to bite his finger, having to stop himself last second.

"Alright, let's do it."

Nightmare seemed content with that, taking Cross' hand and lightly placing a kiss on the back.

"I'll leave you to your own accord, darling. I'll meet you in the knights dining hall later."



"May I say how relieved I am to now serve you, your Grace."
Ink told him, adjusting his cardigan.
Here he was, dressed like royalty for the hundredth time. Different clothes this time.

"Oh, how s-so?"

"Well, because there would only be the Lord and his guards to serve around here, it's refreshing to see a new face."

Ink now backed away to give him space.

"We're all really happy to have you here, your Grace. Before you, his Grace was really stoic and cold towards everyone."

'Cold and heartless but brave and heroic are what some called him back at home'

It was one of the reasons Cross was even afraid to marry him in fear he would be treated just as bad, if not worse, than his father treated him.

"Well, I'm happy to be here."
Cross replied.
"And happy that atleast s-some things have changed."

"Indeed, the Lord seems so very fond of you."
Ink claped his hands together.
"Should we descend to the dining area now? Your Grace?"

Cross nodded, and off they went. Cross knew Nightmare would already be expecting him by the doors.

'I thought he was only doing his duty as a husband, but I hope Ink's right..'

Soon, they finally made it to the entrance of the hall.
Nightmare seemed to be talking with someone, a butler.

The Lord turned his way, dismissing the butler.

"My Lord."
Cross softly greeted.

Nightmare walked up to him, holding his hand once again.

"You look splendid."

Cross simply smiled.
"You tell me t-that everyday."

"I simply state what i see."
Nightmare kissed his forehead.
"Let's go."


There was alot of chatter, but as soon as the door opened, it ceased when they walked through.

'There's alot of them..'

Quickly, they all stood up from their seat.
"Your Grace."
They responded in union, bowing theirs heads in respect.

Nightmare led them to where they were sitting. The head of the table they were.

Everyone sat down once they had taken their seat.

"For those of you who have yet to meet him, this is my spouse. And I expect every single one of you to show as much respect to him as you have me."
Nightmare spoke, his glare was enough to get his message across had he not used words.

Everyone agreed and went back to what they were doing after another greeting towards Cross specifically.

A few minutes into his meal did two monsters walk up to him.

"Evening, your Grace. My name is Blue, and this is Killer, we attended the war."

"Hello, your Grace."
The tear marked one responded.

Cross offered them a warm smile.
"Pleasure to meet you both."

Killer smirked, looking from him to Nightmare.
"I didn't take your 'husband' for the married type. You must have him on some sort of love spell."
He said this loud enough for Nightmare to hear as he was clearly teasing the Lord.

Nightmare glared at him, Cross chuckled at the reaction, and Blue did as well. Just then, two more walked up to them.

"Not even ten minutes have passed, and you're already bothering him."
One of them spoke, he seemed to have multi-color eye-lights, a hood over his head as well.

"Aw c'mon Dust, you can't tell me you believed our Lord was one for marriage."
Killer continued.

The situation was rather humorous.

The one with the hole in his skull laughed, shaking his head.
Nightmare on the other hand, seemed to already be used to this, sighing in disappointment.

Well atleast it wasn't awkward and suffocating.


"Those three are a pain in the ass."
Nightmare grumbled. He was sitting down in a chair as they were now in their bedchamber.

Cross walked over to him and put a hand to his shoulder.
"Well, despite that. I'd say I enjoyed myself."
He chuckled.

Nightmare took Cross by the waist and led him to take a seat on his lap. Cross was more than embarrassed despite this being normal for both of them.

Nightmare held him close.

"Dearest. I'll be going away in three days."

"Why, w-where are you going?"
Cross looked confused.
'Please don't be another war...'

"Their throwing a celebration party down east at the palace of Venice, all those who attended the war must go."

'Oh. Just a celebration.'

"I'll be back in four days max. Is that alright with you?"
Nightmare caressed his cheek.

"It's alright, my Lord. Don't worry about it."

Nightmare shook his head.
"But I have to worry about it, if anything happens to you while I'm away. I don't think I'd forgive myself."

Now it was Cross's turn to cup his cheek. Caressing it lightly.

"I'll be okay. I'll be here when you get back."
He pecked his cheek. Nightmare seemed to have perked up at that.

The taller groaned and buried his face into Cross's shoulder.
"Dammit. I really don't want to go.."

A mauve color was shown on Cross' face.
"M-my Lord-"
He was cut off as Nightmare began pecking his jaw and making his way down to his neck.

"I'm starting to believe that Killer was right.."
The Lord mumbled.
"You have no idea how much you've tempted me."

Cross gently pushed the other back a bit, then held his cheek as he brought him into a kiss.

Nightmare had no quarrels with returning it. Standing from his chair with his smaller lover in his arms.

'Most times, I wonder...'

The Lord crawled on top of him.

'If you'd still want me...'

Cross gasped, feeling rather hot.

'If you found out...'

Their hands intertwined and pressed against the duvet.

'Please don't leave me again...'

Under the Apple Tree - a Crossmare fanficWhere stories live. Discover now