Chapter 33 - The forgotten rose

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Tabitha yelped as she was pushed onto the ground. Nightmare stood over her, that threatening gaze.

"You better hope that wasn't anyone important. If this reaches my spouse, you'll pay dearly."
He snarled.

Calling for his guards to handle this lightweight.
He made his way back to the ballroom, scanning the area for his smol monochrome but couldn't find him anywhere.

He saw both Reaper and Geno and made his way over.
Right now, Geno was trying to escape his lovers' hold, failing miserably.

Nightmare got their attention.
"Where's Cross?"

Geno looked confused.
"Reaper said you were searching for him, so he must've gone out to find you. He didn't go outside the doors?"


Nightmare felt his soul skip a beat.

That person that saw them.. was it Cross?

He muttered under his breath and swiftly made his way to the doors. He started pacing around the halls.

'Please tell me that wasn't you.'
The Lord thought as he tried sensing his partners aura.


Cross was sitting at the water fountain hidden in an area in the garden. A rose in hand.

Plucking the petals as a form of comfort, tears still in his eyes.

"Why'd you do it..? Was I still n-not enough.."
He whispered. Letting the tears flow down his face.

'He'll get bored of you soon'
X's voice echoed in his head.

'Seems he's right.'

He sighed and closer his eyes.
His soul ached.


He jolted at his name.

It was Nightmare.



Nightmare finally found the smaller, but...he seemed rather tired?


Cross lifted his head to meet his gaze.
He hoped it wasn't obvious he was crying, but with Nightmares' abilities, he doubted the other wouldn't notice.

Even so, he played the fool.

"M-My Lord..?"

Nightmare took a knee infront of him, sensing a lot of discomfort.
"Dearest, is something the matter?"
He raised his head to cup the monochromes' cheek.

Cross leaned into his touch, humming as he shut his eyes for a second.

"No, M-My Lord, everything's alright."
He mumbled out.
"I just..needed a break from the party."

The Dark Lord raised a brow before sighing. Not believing any of what Cross said but decided he'd ask again on a later time.
"Would you like to head to our chambers? You don't have to worry about the rest of the ball, alright?"
He spoke softly.

Cross felt his soul pinch before he nodded.

Soon, the taller teleported them both to their chambers, leaving Cross' forgotten rose on the garden floor.

'Forgotten... heh, like me'

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