Chapter 2- Falling apart

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It was six years since Cross was left alone again. Alone with his abusive father, who didn't care to stop tormenting him.

He made Cross feel worse, worse about everything. Cross didn't deserve to be titled his son. He didn't deserve anything. He was a failure and a nuisance.

A failure who failed at his job as a husband, despite only being together for one night.

In all truth, Cross honesty thought Nightmare was dead. He didn't think the other would return home. He had lost hope of ever seeing him again.

Now, his anxiety was through the roof. With every little slip-up Cross made, either it be his stutter or a tiny mistake, while doing paperwork would automatically result in a slap to the face or more berating.

He rarely ever got a break.

But tonight, when everyone else was in bed asleep, he quickly and quietly left his bedchamber and made his way to the entrance of the castle.
Once he arrived. He quickly booked it to the forest. It might've been reckless and even dangerous considering their were creature and other monsters in there.

But Cross didn't care. He kept going until he reached his destination. There! The lake, he followed it up a tiny hill. Till he saw a tree, a tree that seemed to hardly hold anymore leafs, which was to be expected considering it was almost winter.

But to him, it was still breathtaking. Sitting down, he looked up at the night sky, the stars and constellations glowing brightly with pride.

He sat there for about an hour, admiring and naming every star he could, knees held to his chest the entire time.

A couple more minutes passed by. Cross sadly sighed. He had to go back home. He couldn't stay out all night, and so he got up, taking a look at the tree he was rested upon.
Bowing his head a little, he turned on his heels and left.

~~~~~~~~~~~1 year later~~~~~~~~~~~

Cross walked out of his study. Heading in the direction of his father, who called upon him. Cross was sweating nervously already for obvious reasons.

Usually, when he was summoned, it was never for a good thing.

Knocking on the door first before entering the living room, he saw X, who was staring out the window.


X didn't turn around when he spoke.

He snarled, his name being said with venom.
"There is news.."

Cross raised a brow. Confused.

"News about your husband, Lord Nightmare."
X turned around to meet his gaze.
"He's alive. Him and his troops won the war. He should be back here in a month."

Cross was wide-eyed.
Nightmare was alive. They won..

"H-hes alive..!"
Cross sputtered out. He couldn't believe this.


The smaller flinched. His full attention is now on the older man.
"This man is alive, but you will not be if you dare to mess up again!"


Cross was biting his thumb again and avoided X's burning gaze.

"If he divorces you, then it's for good reason. There's rumor already that he is to be wed to another of higher status."
X growled.

'What.... a r-rumor.'
Cross Froze.

"Divorce? A-Another wedding...?"
He spoke shakily.

"It's to be expected. You both have been separated for years, and since your useless self couldn't secure him during your wedding night, then it's only possible he met another on the way."
With every word X said, his tone darkened.

Cross swallowed harshly.
"But i-i thought..."

X raised a hand to silence him from any further comments.

"The church will also not object to divorce you both, should he choose too, he is known as the dark knight after winning both the battle and the war."

Cross merely held his head down, in disbelief.

"All the while, you're nothing Cross."

Under the Apple Tree - a Crossmare fanficWhere stories live. Discover now