Chapter 29 - A Living Nightmare

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It felt like tiny needles were pricking Cross' cheek. Placing a shaking hand where he had been hit.

He turned to look at the person responsible.

He doesn't doesn't know what's going on, what caused the other to be so angry.

He started shaking as the other began yelling.
"You filthy liar!"

The smaller backed up as Nightmare walked up to him.

"You useless prick.. I can't believe I let you into my house!"

"But I-"

"I let you into MY rooms! I let you stay in MY kingdom!"

"N-Nightmare plea---"
He backed himself into a corner.

"I told you MY SECRETS! All for you to LIE TO ME!"
the tendrils on the Dark Lords back shook like Mad, showing his anger.

Cross started crying.
"I-Im sorry-"

Nightmare stared him down.
"Oh, you're sorry? Sorry won't fix anything, you worthless shit!"

The monochrome froze.
'He really s-sound like h-him.'

"..Forgive me.."

The Lord snarled.
"Get out of my sight. Out of my kingdom.."

Cross held his head low in acceptance. Before he ran, he ran out of the castle and out of the Kingdom completely. Many townfolk questioned why one of their superiors were running.

He ran until he saw a.forest and went straight in. Catching his breath before slumping down on a tree.
He cried, cried, and curled up into a ball. He felt throwing up.

Soon he felt dizzy and passed out of the grass floor infront of the Tree.





Cross woke up to someone shaking him. gasping, he sat up in bed.


He turned to his side to see Nightmare had been the one to wake him up. Taking note of his surroundings, he saw it was the middle of the night and they were in their bedchamber.

'W-was it a bad dream..?'

He swallowed harshly.

"Cross, dearest. Are you alright?"
Nightmare asked him, brushing away his tears. That's when Cross realized he was crying.



Cross basically jumped onto the other, practically crying into the tallers chest.
Night, alittle taken aback, pulled the smaller closer. Cross basically straddling the other.

Whispering sweet nothings to try and calm his partner down.

"Sweetheart, you're okay. You're fine."
He gently rubbed Cross's back.
"It was just a bad dream. You're alright."

About thirty minutes later did Cross clam down. His tears slowed down, and his breathing had become more even.
But that didn't stop Nightmares affections.

Cross hummed tiredly.

"Feeling better?"

The smaller nodded. But he didn't let go of the Lord just yet, it didn't seem like he was planning on letting him go any, almost as if he'd actually disappear.

The taller noticed his grip tightened, and so he laid back down with Cross in his arms, Cross squeaked. Instead of protesting, He adjusted himself so they'd be comfortable.

"You alright to go back to sleep?"
Nightmare asked, petting his head.

Cross hesitantly nodded.
The taller noticed but didn't comment on it, a cyan blue magic emitted from Nightmares hand. Cross didn't mind, his magic felt warm and safe, he felt he could trust it.

Soon he nodded off to sleep.
Nightmare continued petting his head.

'His 'nightmares' are back..'
He thought to himself. Sighing.
'Guess I'd have to use magic again.'

That wasn't the only thing on his mind though.

Cross was starting to worry him.
His behavior had changed, His 'lack of sleep' and not because of the nightmares. And even a change In his schedule. It was all weird.

This isn't just X anymore. It's Cross as a Whole.

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