Chapter 11 - univited Company

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"Your Grace, are you sure you're ready to continue working?"

Ink asked as he assisted Cross in putting his cardigan on.

"I'm fine, Ink, no need to worry. And I can't just sit around and do nothing."

The servant merely sighed in acceptance.
"Alright, we should get going, Your Grace."

Cross nodded, and they made their way outside. Nightmare would be back soon, and he didn't want the other to see him merely laying in bed, even if he was sick a couple of days ago.

Cross did, in fact, miss the taller. It was getting kinda lonely as he had gotten used to Nightmare being near him.

It's okay though, They both promised they'd be ok when the taller returned, right..?


"And i-i think that's about i-it."
Cross basically told himself.

Having finished his tasks, he turned to leave the office he had tucked himself into for the past few hours.

Walking to the door to leave, before he could open it, it quickly swung open to reveal a startled Ink and guard- guard of the castle.

Cross himself was startled.

"Your Grace!"
Spoke the guard.

"Y-yes, what is i-it scorn?"

"There's someone at the gate requesting to be let in!"

Oh boy...

'Usually, Nightmare deals with that, but...he isn't here'

Cross nearly bit his finger again before regaining his composure.

"O-ok, take me to them."


When Cross arrived at the front gates, be watched from onto of it. Looking over the stoned balcony to safely view the scene below.

"I'm telling you, I am lord subo! son of King Trion!"
Said a man with a hood over his head, he was accompanied by others.

They seem to be Knights of such, they're were atleast 15 of them.

"We cannot let you enter without proper verification sir!!"
Spoke a guard next to Cross.

'Oh. Son of King Trion..?'

That was rather weird.

'I thought Trion only had a daughter..'

"Hello, excuse me!"

Cross spoke from above.
He caught everyone's attention.

"Is t-there any way you can prove that?"

The man called 'subo' seemed rather startled by his appearance. But quickly regained composure and spoke, holding tightly onto his horse.

"What other proof would you need, get a clergy to prove it once were inside, your Grace.."

Cross shook his head. He tried to keep a face, but deep down he was scared.

"I'm afraid we can't do that."

Subo groaned.
"Where is the Lord, I wish to speak to him!"
But the man paused, before smirking.

"Or is Lord Nightmare not here at all..?"


Cross's words died on his tongue.
He didn't want to say anything else, he knew better then to say no.

But his silence spoke for him.

"Oh so he isn't here."

"You won't be let in, so please be on your way!"
Cross spoke quickly and felt someone grab his arm.

"Your Grace..."
It was Ink.
"We should head inside quickly!"

Oh he most definitely agreed.

Until he heard a cracking sound....

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