Chapter 28 - Forgive Me

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                     Forgive me

Forgive me for being pathetic. Im a fool.

How do I tell my husband everything without him leaving, but of all things, this one I fear the most.
Up to this point, I know he knows something.

I'm scared of losing him.

I'm scared he's going to cast me away..

He's the only thing I have, what if I cast him aside.

Maybe some of us were meant to be lonely.. right?

I dug my own grave, I have no quarrels with doing as he says anymore.

If he wants me to die, I'll die. If he wants me gone, I'll go. If he tells me I'm useless, then I'm useless.

Who am I to question him?
Someone like him shouldn't be with someone like me. I only bring him down..

I don't know how much I can keep from him.

And if he ever finds out, then I'm sorry.

Forgive me, I'm not as perfect as you wanted. I'm sorry for failing you.

I'm sorry for keeping so many secrets, I didn't know what to do, and I'm scared you'd leave me too.

Please don't leave us...

Cross held his abdomen as he continued to write.

Without you, I'm nothing...
Without you, there's no home...

Without you, we're on our own...

I'm sorry.


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