Chapter 38 - Congratulations

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After some time, they found Nightmare. Who sensed their presence.
He was walking out the knights hall with a few guards behind him.

Error called to him. Catching his attention.

Nightmare quickly looked over and spotted Cross holding onto Errors arm for dear life.

He snarled for a second before realizing the other was shaking.

He walked up to them swiftly, not caring for his guards at the back.

Cross, too, quickly made his way towards Nightmare.
The taller embraced his smaller lover as Cross tried to calm down.

"What happened?"
He asked, mostly towards the Lord of destruction.

"I'm not quite sure. He didn't speak."
Error responded.

Nightmare hummed in acknowledgment.
Picking Cross up in a princess carry before excusing himself. Teleporting into the darkness

Much to Errors relief, he still needed to go after Ink.


Ink was in the garden, the most famous spot of the castle.

He felt drained.

'Why did I do it..?'
He questioned himself as he was on his knees in the grass.

'Why did I let him in? This was never gonna go any further..'

He gave himself a pitiful grin.

'I was foolish to think he'd actually..'

He frowned.
He thought it'd be best to avoid the other and cut their affair short.

After all, who'd want a simple maid instead of a princess.

'Congratulations on your engagement, Error...'


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