Chapter 16 - Panic attack

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"Who knew the time would pass by so quickly."

Cross snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Ink speak.

The monochrome softly asked.

"The party is later today, Your Grace. Remember?" 

Ah, right. The party he so wished to escape from, for reasons...

"Yes, the party.."
Cross started fidgeting his fingers.
Time really went by quickly. Weren't they talking about the party 3 months ago?

Ink stopped what he was doing and eyed Cross, noticing the change in his voice and body language.

'How odd...'


Before they had to leave for the party of the seven kingdoms, Cross took a walk outside in the garden.

It always worked to calm him down, at least when Nightmare wasn't there to calm him.

He sighed.
But he wondered if this would be enough to calm his nerves.

'The party..'
The smaller swallowed harshly.
'He's going to be there, isn't he.'

Cross stopped walking, now standing in the middle of the garden.
So many things went to his mind at knowing his Father was attending.

Who knew what X would do him if he saw him again.

'Will he ask for me?'

'Will he yell at me?'

'Will he berate me?'

'Is he going to hurt me again?'

'Will he expose me to Nightmare?'

He didn't realize that tears fell from his eyes. His breathing quickened, he was shaking.

'How pathetic.'

His father's voice ran through his head.

'Look at you, coward. Nightmare would think you're pathetic."
Cross shut his eyes and hugged himself as his tears continued to fall.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry."
He mumbled useless apologies to seemingly nobody.

He didn't want to lose him. Nightmare.
He couldn't lose Nightmare, the only good thing that happened to him.


His eyes shot open.


He quickly turned on his heel and ran back inside the castle walls.
Getting a few glances from the servants walking by.

Why was he running? It's not like the Taller was going to vanish, right?

No. He needed the other.


Nightmare was in his office speaking to one of his guards.

The negativity in the air became stronger the longer he focused on it.
He narrowed his eye.

It was strong. There tends to be alot of negativity here and there, but this one was different. Familiar even.


He thought and quickly dismissed the guard and left the office.
Following the aura, he felt it coming closer.

He turned the corner.

Only to stop as someone bumped into him, yelping as they did so.

It was his partner. The small ball of fluff.

Cross stepped back a bit, Nightmare took notice of the tears coming from his eyes.

"Cross? What's wrong!"
He quickly embraced Cross, bringing him into a protective hold.  

Cross didn't say anything, he just started balling his eyes out. Much to Nightmares dismay.

The smaller had a tight grip on the taller, not wanting to let go.

The Dark Lord didn't say as anymore and began to whisper comforting words to try and calm his husband.
God, he hated seeing Cross like this. It was never a problem when it's other people he could care less about, but Cross gave him a small twist in the soul.

He didn't like it.

"Cross, dearest."
He cupped the smallers cheek, wiping his tears.
Cross whined, still gripping onto the Lords' shirt.

"Sweetheart, talk to me."

The smaller whimpered and shook his head. Signaling he didn't wish to speak.

Nightmare sighed and scooped him up in a princess carry before teleporting them to their room.


It's been an hour.
That's how long it took to calm Cross down.

This was unusual.

Right now, Cross was still in Nightmares' arms. In their bedroom.

The smaller wasn't asleep yet but his breathing had slowed.
The Dark Lord caressed the smallers back ever so gently. 

Not one word was spoken. The Taller didn't wish to bring him into another panic, so he said nothing.

He snarled.

'It makes sense, but I Need more proof..'

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