Chapter 32 - Cheater?

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'It's been a couple of weeks since finding out I was with child, and in those weeks, we've hosted a ball'

Many kingdoms invited all 7 kingdoms as well as a few others.

It was an experience, everything was going well for the couple, that was until later in the party something... unpleasant happened.

Atleast for Cross.


As it seems almost normal, once again we're both Cross and Geno by the buffet table, chatting away while their spouses were off on their own.

Cross tried not to let it show, but he had somewhat been avoiding Nightmare, not like the Lord did anything, but the smaller was nervous about being around his husband, even if it's been days since he found out his pregnancy.

He hadn't told anyone else, but Ink and Ink promised to keep quiet.

Nightmare noticed his smaller lovers behavior but never quite questioned the monochrome about it.

Thus, here he was speaking with Reaper about it, surprised he's even mentioning this to a guy like Reaper.

"Sooo? He's been rather distant?"
Reaper questioned. crossing his arms.

Nightmare sighed and nodded, they were in one of the many 'somewhat' crowded halls of the castle.
There weren't too many monsters around.

Error was probably off flirting with one of his servants, Ink no less. Atleast that's what he assumed, considering the two have gone missing for awhile.

"I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure how to approach him about it without coming off as rude."
Nightmare replied, taking a sip of his wine.

Reaper hummed.
"Well I can't exactly say I relate. When Geno has these days, he makes it obvious as to why, I'd even get a smack on the head."
He chuckled.

The Dark Lord only rolled his eye. He should've probably asked someone else.

"But in all seriousness, if you're trying to find out, try being gentle with your tone when speaking to him. Best advice I could offer since you're, you."
Reaper winked.

Nightmare huffed.
"Gee, thanks."
He so Sarcastically thanked the grim reaper.

"You're welcome!"

Yeah, how someone like Reaper was a Lord of 2 Kingdoms is beyond him.


It's been a while, so the two went off to go find their spouses. It has been over an hour.
And Nightmare, being overprotective of his monochrome, wanted to see if he was okay without

Making their way back to the ballroom, there was a familiar face.

Both Lords turned to the owner of the voice.

It was a woman, Nightmare groaned, he knew who it was.

"What do you want Tabitha?"

"Aw, why so harsh with the tone? You don't miss talking with me?"

Tabitha is a wealthy women, she tends to look younger for her age, her jet black hair flowed carelessly.

Both Nightmare and Reaper never liked her.

Nightmare turned towards Reaper for help but all the Grim reaper did was jokingly salute and made his way to the ballroom, or his husband infact.

Nightmare huffed.
'Oh you son of a...'

"So Nightmare! How you been?"

"Fine. Before you got here..."

Tabitha scoffed.
"Aw cmon Nightmare, is that aby way to talk to a lady?"
She stepped foward.

The Dark Lord rolled his eye once again.

"Frankly, I could careless."
He responded.

Suddenly the woman was but 2 feet infront of him. He snarled, not liking the distance she put between them.

"Watch it Tabitha."

"Maybe, perhaps I could show you, how to treat a women like me.."
She reached out a hand to place on his cheek, and leaned closer.

Nightmare quickly grabbed her hand, about to speak when they suddenly heard a door slam, both froze and watch as a silhouette of someone quickly vanished.



Cross ran into the garden, quickly stopping to catch his breath.

He covered his mouth in shock.
'There's n-no way...'

Tears made his way down his face.

'Please n-no... I t-thought I-'

He began sobbing, after what he saw, he felt his soul shattered alittle more.

'Why would he...'

"I knew I wasn't enough.."

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