Chapter 23 - The lullaby

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Cross decided to take a walk outside in the garden. After the conversation he had with Outer, he was amazed how someone could love another person after so many years of not seeing eachother. The only difference between Outer's relationship and his own was that he and Nightmare had only been together and fully met together once, while the other had met with his partner before, time and time again.

He sighed. Taking in the fresh scent of roses in the garden, the moon was high in the sky. he sat down infront of them. Not caring about the grass.
It was growing beautifully.

He decided not to look for Nightmare incase he bothered the other while working.

God, why does he worry so much!

Worrying about getting things in order. Worrying about fulfilling his task. Worrying about saying the wrong things. Worrying about being useful to the other. Worrying about pleasing him. Worrying that if he didn't do his part as a husband, then he'd be kicked out.

Cross shakily sucked in a breath.

'Would he want me the same if I didnt...'

Would he actually want him the same if he wasn't trying?

It all brought an ache in his soul, it was agonizing.

Shutting his eyes, he started humming a lullaby. A lullaby he heard from someone... someone he didn't know but he met them at the same time.

He doesn't know who else knew this lullaby, he only discovered it when he used to live in his home town,  he'd run away to the forest in the middle of the night without anyone realizing.

He passed out there one night, under the apple tree, his favorite place to go. And work up the next morning with the song in his head.
Confusing huh?

He continued humming, not listening to the footsteps behind him. Too stuck in his little world.

The monster behind him froze.


The smaller jumped, his name being called halted his singing. Quickly getting up and turning around, recognizing the deep voice.

"M-My Lord?"

Nightmare seemed in a state of shock. But only for a moment before he snarled.

"Cross... where do you know that song?"

The monochrome softened his stare.
"I.. I'm not quite sure myself-"

He was cut off as Nightmare approached him and tightly grabbed his arm. His expression startled the other.

"Don't lie to Me. Where the hell did you hear that Song!?"

Cross flinched at this tone, what was happening?

"I d-don't k-know e-exactly!"

"Then how the hell do you know that song!?"
Nightmare growled. His grip on the smallers arm tight.


Nightmare narrowed his eye.
Cross felt tears prick his, he was scared and confused. Why was the other acting like this? Was he going to get beat for a lullaby?

"Answer me Dammit!"

Cross felt his soul drop.

That sounded just like X...

His tears fell down his face and he started to shake.

"I-Im sorry i-if I o-offended y-you with it. I w-won't sing it a-again, but I swear I w-woke up o-one day a-and it was s-stuck in m-my h-head..."

The monochrome lowered his head, his tears hit the stone floor. Sniffling, his crying broke up his line of words.

Nightmare came back to his senses when he heard the other crying. Immediately regretting what he had done.
Quickly letting his smaller lover go.

He didn't mean to, he just reacted on instinct.

That song.....

Cross on the other hand grew scared.

'He h-hates me right n-now doesn't h-he'
He shut his eyes as he continued to panic.
'He going to beat me! He's going to hate me.. He's going to throw me away..'


                   'Like Father did'


"I'm sorry."

Nightmare tilted his head back towards the smaller.
Only to see he was on his knees, apologizing...

"I'm s-sorry, I'm r-really sorry. I didn't m-mean too offend y-you My Lord..."

Cross's voice was barely a whisper....

The sight took Nightmare off guard.

"P-Please don't t-throw me away, I w-won't do it again..."

"Please Don't leave me t-too..."

Under the Apple Tree - a Crossmare fanficWhere stories live. Discover now