Author's Update

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hi, hello, how are you?

it's been almost a year since i've updated... again. so, my bad and unfortunately this isn't an update for the book that you might've been hoping for.


i'm not going to scrap this book -- i'm not going to stop writing it. my one goal i've had since i started this book back in february of 2019 was to finish it and i'm going to see that through. i've given up on so many stories and i'm disappointed in myself that i have so i'ma change that with this book especially since this book is: one, my baby and two, the longest one i've been working on (in chapters and in time).

but here's the "however".

i'm going to rewrite most of this story. especially the beginning chapters. why? well i have no fucking clue what 2019 me was thinking when writing the beginning chapters.

like, it's not that they don't make sense... but they also kind of don't make some sense to me at least --- maybe that makes sense, i don't know. (plus my mistake for starting to read at the beginning, i knew this would've happened if i did but yeah lmao)

so some things that will be changed in the rewritten version of this:

- dates: i'm going to try my best and line it up with before nier replicant/gestalt, now i've never played or watched anything about the drakengard series but it's going to be an attempt with the help of the nier wiki. but i still might fuck it up somehow LOL so be gentle when you read the prologue. also, it would make a lot of sense if i did line it up with the overall timeline as it's not like this story takes place in an alternate world -- it's the overall nier world just with a human au.

- reader's canonical age: now, i've realized i've never stated her age before -- sorry about that -- originally she was eighteen. but in the rewritten version i'm going to bump her up to like twenty. why? well, i don't have an exact reason, i just feel like it might work a bit better? like in the sense of her mindset.

- how some of my oc's act: a bit random but i do have my own characters in this story as it helps me build their own lore and also keeps me from making one off characters that i will forget everything about if i do use them again. now most of them like 7o, 10b, 1x, 2x, and luciel won't be affected by this. it's mainly the ones you didn't quite see a lot like 5s, 6s, and zion. along with this, i'll also be debuting two new characters but they won't be shown until later on like in chapters that aren't even out now (one might show up earlier, i haven't decided yet).

obviously, there will be other changes but you'll see them when you see them, some with the story and some with the reader (don't worry, she's still overall going to be the same c:) >:D

other then changes, i will being keeping quite a few concepts for chapters and the overall concept of the story, but they just may change with how they play out. do not worry, the story will still be following along with the game's plot!

annnnd i will make a point to explain what the hell woke up the reader -- i realized i never did that in the current story whatsoever. i mean, if you maybe figured it out on your own with like world clues and how fast something happened (especially because it follows the game's plot as stated above even tho from the reader's pov you miss quite a bit) then good! but i will make a point to explain it for those who didn't catch it -- i guess there is another idea of how she woke up but like i feel like this one makes more sense? minus the obvious questions of why not before but look man, it's story magic?? (del, this paragraphs just looks like ramblings and you might've just confused half the people, good job)

ok ok, i've rambled on and on haven't i?

but hey, it's ok -- i just wanted to give you all an update on what my thought process is as that's what you deserve and i'm sorry for keeping you all waiting.

on a real note, thank you all for reading humanity's last <3 i appreciate your support and your comments lol

honestly, when i started writing this, i didn't think so many people would read it, but you all defeated my expectations and showed me that people do enjoy my writing somehow so thank you so so much <3

this isn't the end of the story, just a goodbye to this version of it, i'll update this book when i've completed the other. i plan to actually complete it first before i publish it... but i might also go back on that LOL either way, this will updated with another note when the new version is out (btw, it'll have the same name cause i like this name for the book so the name's not going anywhere lol)

ahem, i should also say that i have no clue when you should suspect the new humanity's last, i wanna say before 2024 cause like currently i have all the time in the world cause i graduated and haven't decided to look for a job yet (i will soon but book first?).

apologies for the ramblings lmao

anyways, happy traveling everyone, until next time <3


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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