𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐞?

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After the occurrence with the Resistance member holding 32S hostage, the two androids and I spent a decent amount of time in the desert's housing complex ruins. I couldn't say I didn't like to be out and about in the desert, but it felt like I was inside a furnace. But, besides my complaint about the hotness, I had a glorious time discovering old relics of the old world with 9S and 2B.

We unearthed items like shoes whose pairs were missing, old playthings from the children, some silverware and other kitchen appliances that hadn't deteriorated. In one of the stable structures that 9S helped me climb up into, I observed some furniture that was worn with time, photographs of the family that used to live there, and some writing materials.

Hmm, I could put these supplies to use...

I hummed softly to myself, taking the writing materials and planted them into my bag. We were collecting items that could become beneficial for me anyway, so why not take those too?

"Find anything?" Nines called through the door's threshold, peeking his head in. He hadn't came in with me because he was nervous that his mass would cause the building, even though stable, to come crashing down.

"Yeah, I found some writing materials, but not much of anything else," I responded, rotating my upper body to face him. "I was thinking that it could give me something to do when I get bored back at camp."

He nodded, "I see. That's a good idea! Plus, you could let your creativity take over?"

"'Creativity take over'? I suppose you could say that." I giggled, taking one last glimpse at the place before turning on my heels and stepping back to the entrance.

The male android tousled my hair up a little, leaping down from the building's edge, twisting back to me to assist me down as well. We exchanged grins before wandering over to were 2B stood staring at a book of some kind.

"Oh, what did you have there, 2B?" I questioned, my voice becoming curious as my feet advanced towards her more. It seemed to be a children's book with all the vivid, but filthy images inside.

"Something called The Lorex?" she rejoined, gazing up to me. I could sense her confusion even through her mask. Yet, I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

"That doesn't sound accurate, could I see the cover of the book?" I requested with a smile. 2B agreed, shutting the book and giving it to me with its covering upwards. Low and behold, it's truly The Lorax. "Ah, the cover's just overly dirty. It's called The Lorax by Dr Seuss. He was a famous writer for his children books."

"What is it about?" Nines chimed in as he bent over my shoulder.

"It's about the Lorax, a being who can speak with the trees, and how he confronts the character called 'Once-ler' who had caused environmental destruction," I explained, glimpsing at the white-haired male out of the corner of my eye.

"Could you read it to me then?" he uttered, nearly sounding like a small child asking their parent to read them a bedtime story. I couldn't help but beam softly at the android.

"Of course, I would love to," I hummed, poking his nose gently.

9S smiled widely as his arms coiled around my abdomen to give me a back-hug. 2B just inaudibly observed, her attention becoming caught elsewhere soon after. "9S, I think it's time to get (Y/n) back to camp."

"Aw, but 2B, the day is still young!" the male complained, a pout appearing on his lips and his grip tighten slightly around me.

"We'll have more time another day. Now, quit acting like a child and get her back to camp," 2B delivered sharply, her head rotating a little in the area that we hadn't gotten to yet that day.

Is something wrong?

Just as that thought ran through my subconscious, I overheard a laugh in the direction that had grabbed 2B's gaze. I could tell that the androids detected it too considering they became tensed. 2B's weapons reappeared behind her as 9S lifted me into his arms.

"Alright, we'll head back," he murmured, inclining over to 2B, "Be careful, 'kay? Remember, 10B and 1X have off today but they're on standby."

The female android gave Nines a knowing glance before he twisted on his heels with me in his arms, gazing down at me. He appeared to be in thought for a moment before shifting me in his grasp and removing one of his hands that were holding me upwards to his face to loosen his blindfold.

I, on the other hand, just gawked at him. It was the first time that I got to see what his profile actually looked like without that visor of his distorting his features. His hues were a stunning colour of blue. Like, a sky blue... or perhaps, they were more ocean blue than anything.

However, that moment was short-lived because the next thing I knew, 9S had tied his visor over my orbs. I was astonished that he could even see anything through it, but maybe that was because they had some sort of special vision?

I'll ask him about it later... If I remember.

"Hold on to me, alright? It's going to get windy," he muttered into my ear, which had heat climbing to my cheeks. 9S corrected his hold on me once again, holding me bridal style in his arms as I coiled my arms around his neck.

✁⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ༝

9S was right, it did get windy. He had essentially just ran with me throughout the scorched desert since wherever we were momentarily was much shadier and he was beginning to slow down into a sprint. And, soon, he had came to a complete standstill where he sat me down on the Earth's floor.

"You're alright, right?" 9S eventually conversed, taking his visor off of my head. His expression was very tender as he stared at me, taking a seat in front of my figure.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I clarified, my eyes leaping from his characteristics to the encompassing area. We were no longer in the desert, that's for sure.

The area that sheltered us was a forest, the towering trees shielding us from the sun's rays. It was much colder too, which was a rather pleasing contrast to the desert.

"So, Nines, what was going on back there?" I inquired, laying down on the forest's floor as I peered up at the treetops. I couldn't get that whole situation out of my head after pondering about it. We did leave 2B by herself after all.

"Oh, uh... well," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck, "...someone was observing us? I'm not quite sure who though."

"'Not quite sure who'? So we left 2B by herself with someone who may be an enemy?"

"When you put it like that, you make it sound like she's in danger or something," 9S frowned, "But, she is capable of defending herself. And, we had to get you out of there. If it was a foe, you could've gotten harmed."

Ah, that's the main reason, isn't it?

"Oh, fine. I see your point. YoRHa's purpose is to protect all humans they find anyways. But, still, I feel bad about leaving her behind." I returned, my fingertips running themselves threw my slightly knotted locks.

"I know-"

"Oh~ so this is where you ran off too! How interesting," an unfamiliar voice reverberated through the greenery, prompting 9S to raise to his feet instantly as he clutched his sword as I darted up into a seated posture with wide eyes.

'Ran off too'? Did this person follow us!?

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