One last kiss

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Warning:Dazai being Dazai

A few days before Dazai left the port mafia

Chuuya laid on his bed drunk from the wine he was drinking wearing a comfy big black hoodie and some shorts he grabbed his phone drunkenly texting Dazai


Dazai i mean

Are you drunk?

  Noo doi seemdrunk

Im coming over



Chuuya slammed down his phone with a sigh before gulping down more of his wine and putting his head down letting the world around him drift away before passing out still holding his glass of wine in his hand

Chuuya pov:

I woke up to someone playing with my hair I slapped them till they're hand moved away I looked up to see a certain brunette laughing to himself

"What the hell Dazai how did you get in my house I shot up seeing him sitting on the edge of my king sized bed "I have my ways" he said shrugged it off I let out a loud sigh of frustration I sat up to see my wine spilt on my bed "shit" I cursed getting up

"Get off the bed idiot I need to change the sheets!" I said getting clean sheets from out the closet putting it down on a chair "and what if I don't want to?" I growled "listen here buddy this is MY house you obey me-"

Before I knew it Dazai pinned me down to my bed causing me to blush seeing him on top of me his serious expression his dark Carmel eyes looked into mines before leaning in to a long kiss the bitter taste of alcohol came from his tongue as he quickly dominated the kiss

He pulled away with a teasing look I felt my face get hotter from blushing I saw his eyes trail down to something "ohhh~your still wearing that choker you know I never knew you'd take the whole dog thing so seriously I didn't even have to buy you a collar~" I felt my face getting redder he went to my ear and whispered "I like it~" I felt I was going to explode

I kicked him away making him chuckle "FOR THE LAST TIME IM NOT YOUR DOG! I yelled standing up I crossed my arms turning my red face away mumbling"Idiot..." he pet my head  "you look so cute like this"  "whatever..." I changed the sheets allowing us to sit down comfortably

We sat in silence for a while me still pouting about Dazai's words "why are you still here anyway don't you go drinking with that guy with the orphans" I asked turning my head to Dazai to see him stiffen up and his face soften leaving me even more confused "uh he said he wasn't up for a drink today..." he said calming down a bit

I could tell he was lying though I tasted wine when we kissed and now that I think of it he reeked of alcohol but I didn't want to pry into things right now he looked down leaving the room eerie and quiet for a while "well I'll be taking my leave" he said getting up "a-are you sure" I stuttered getting up following him to the door still slightly drunk from the alcohol tripping slightly "yeah I'll be going" he said leaving out the door "ok then see you-" before I knew it the door already shut not even a see you later love you not even a


After that I didn't see him then shortly after it was said he left the port mafia

I barely remember what happened when I heard the knees I just remember my anger at him and my tears while gulping down my wine trying to drown away my tears

The next thing I know years later I see him with the detectives...

I heard a familiar voice "Kunikida~ stoppppp~ why can't I die in peace it was the perfect way to suicide!" There was a blond and carrying a brunette


I bit my lip walking off hoping he doesn't see me and my visible pain

"You traitor"

(And it presumes past the cannibalism arc)

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