Arcade Day!

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AN:Only a few more Chapters left(or so I plan it to be)


It's been at the most 1 month of me and Dazai being together since then I've gotten used to hiding my sickness and still going out without causing a scene in fact I've noticed the symptoms get better I knew it was too good to be true but I'm choosing not to point it out and just enjoy the fact that I don't have to be in pain 24/7

Today I had a plan of a Double Black and The New Double Black double 'date' especially since we basically became a friend group I know Atsushi and Akutagawa aren't dating but they have become friends ever since Dazai confronted Atsushi and Akutagawa though they still argue like children to be honest though I was surprised at the sudden change but it made me happy knowing that he is truly trying to change

We were supposed to be going to a arcade especially since the have their own bar and food service with a five star rating and of course I'm paying but Akutagawa insisted to pay half just trying to be respectful but I told him it was ok especially knowing I won't need the money soon anyway

I walked to the meeting spot waiting for the others Akutagawa was the first to arrive he just got out his car silently "Jinko should be arriving soon..." he said in his normal bland voice as I nodded lookin up to see none other than Atsushi running towards us he looked tired as he panted his long belt swayed as he ran

Eventually he made it to me and Akutagawa panting before adjusting himself "sorry I was late...!" He said rubbing the back of his neck with a awkwardly smile "Late? By only 2 minutes..." I point out chuckling as Akutagawa was silent coughing a bit

"Ah sorry it's a habit..." he apologized "Nah it's fine it's just that damn mackerel that's getting on my nerves he hasn't even texted me ba-" I said before I felt someone pounce on me giving me a kiss on the cheek as I coughed in my arm a bit before noticing it was none other than Dazai

"Hey~ Chuuuuya~" he said his voice upbeat I turned to him allowing him to give me a quick peck on the lips I looked to the other two as Atsushi looked baffled it took me some time to realize why "Ooooh I forgot to tell you that I'm dating your mentor" I said jokingly

Atsushi just stood there speechless "Ehhhhhhhhh!" He exclaimed as Akutagawa glared at the him "I knew you two had some type of relationship but I never thought you two were dating!" He exclaimed before Akutagawa turned to him and barked back "Oh how couldn't you know Jinko those two literally flirt every chance they get..." Akutagawa joked though his tone was still stern

"I can't tell if you're joking or being serious..." Atsushi said his expression deadpanned as Akutagawa rolled his eyes "I was obviously joking stupid Jinko..." Akutagawa sighed "were you though..?" I smirked chuckling a bit teasing him "Not you too Nakahara-San...!" He sighed

I laughed as he crossed his arms embarrassed by the fact of his face and voice being so serious all the time it's hard to know if he's actually being serious "Alright we should start heading in"  I coughed slightly walking in "Yay!" Dazai exclaimed childishly as Akutagawa and Atsushi followed quietly me

I went to the counter paying enough for each of us to play 40 games as I heard the arcade games in the distance "I never knew you two were friends!" Dazai said teasing Atsushi and Akutagawa

Akutagawa coughed a bit "after a certain event I saw no point in hating Jinko anymore and in fact I now find him tolerable...but I won't call us friends...." He said calmly "says the one who keeps 'forcing' me over for tea parties!" Atsushi argued as I gave everyone a game card "The last time I check you were not forced and you also keep insisting to bring me to a cat cafe...!" Akutagawa argued back

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