Trying to bring back the past

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Hello! Sorry I've been busy for a while and would probably slowdown on posting since I'm going to school soon but anyway enjoy!

No pov

"Dazai wake up and stop being lazy" "oww Kunikida why did you slap me~ Dazai whined still laying down "you have stacks of paper on your desk!" Kunikida yelled slamming his hand on Dazai's desk Dazai groaned "Atsushi-kin you do it I'm to lazy~"Dazai whined "why me~"Atsushi cried

Out of no where Dazai's phone started to ring "who is my doggy..." Kunikida said confused starring at Dazai "no one important just let it ring" Dazai said stretching the ringing finally ended until


Dazai sighed "what could he want..." he mumbled before grabbing to the phone and walking out "HEY AT LEAST ANSWER MY QUESTION DAZAI!"Kunikida yelled at him

Chuuya's pov:

I tried to call Dazai but the first time I was ignored until I called a second time then I heard his annoying voice

" What do you want Chibi Did you miss me~"Dazai teased I tried to not yell at him but I hate it when he tries to annoy me "NO OF COURSE I DIDN'T YOU SUICIDAL MANIAC!" I yelled "Oh Chibi you wound me~ why did you call me anyway" "well I um I-" I stuttered I was cut of by Dazai "Are you seem different~" Dazai said teasingly "YES IM OK BASTARD I JUST WANTED TO ASK IF YOU GO OUT SOMEWHERE LATER!" I yelled

"What really..."Dazai said confused this was the first time I heard him so confused "well-yeah really I guess...So it it a yes or a no" I said as calmly as I could "are you sure your ok chibi~" Dazai teased me "IS IT A YES OR A NO BASTARD!" I yelled at him
"Geez ok~" "ok good be ready at 5:00pm" "ok then bye chibi~" "bye idiot" I said hanging up

I let out a sigh to see that it's about 3:15pm "I mind as well start getting ready good thing I already set the reservation for that one restaurant yesterday" I said getting off of my couch after I got ready I waited a bit before driving to the normal spot to pick up Dazai which was mostly when he would beg to pick him up from the agency after parties I never trusted him walking home drunk...

I waited outside until I saw a familiar brunette walking to the car he opened the door and got in with a annoying smile "So where are we going Chuu~ya~" Dazai said teasingly closing the door "out to eat..." "Oooo~ I hope you know your paying~" he said peaking staring at me with a stupid smile "no need to remind me of something I already know...." I said blandly "fine~"

I looked at his face as I drove it was handsome... his puffy and curly brown hair his dark brown eyes and even his kind of chapped lips...

After a while we finally made it to the restaurant we were silent as we settled in giving me a weird feeling I sat down at a private table somewhere that was almost quiet especially since it was only 7:09pm people mostly come here around 9 but I didn't want to make it in busy times so I just picked 7:00

"Why did you take me here?" Dazai asked "only for fun chill I just thought it would be fun to chill with you so I can find you at least a bit more ok to be near..." "ok then"he said looking through the menu "feel free to get anything by the way..." I said grabbing mine

We waited until the waiter finally came to order our main meal which felt like forever Dazai couldn't stop munching on the biscuits and talking with a stuffed mouth looking like a idiot  Dazai order Tempura and some random alcoholic drink while I ordered Sushi and red wine

and we began to eat that was until a couple got in a fight with another couple across from her which gave me a headache then I guess the police was called meaning I had to leave I didn't feel like starting any big problems not right now at least so I requested to have the rest to go and me and Dazai left the whole time there he seemed quiet I could tell he was trying to figure out my intentions

We drove my house I looked at my surroundings as I saw the beauty of Yokohama "you know Yokohama at night is so great to look at is almost calming the lights everything...." I felt him look at me then back "I can't say I don't agree..."he said calmly "this is the first time I saw you so calm I mean just a second ago I watched you stuff your face with biscuits"I joked "well I guess I did have a bit to drink..." he said leaning back in his seat

"Sorry for this whole thing we didn't really get to eat that much before we left..." I said feeling a bit guilty "I mean I don't really know why you invited me but it was cool hanging out I guess I mean that hat is still annoying though..." he said staring out of the tinted windows

"Whatever jerk" I said sharply I sighed "this is your house I'm guessing it quite small..." I said looking at a tiny apartment "well it's better then a shipping container..." I heard him mumble he got out the the car as I handed him his leftovers "thank you for the food" he said grabbing it "it's nothing I guess you owe me wine though!" I yelled at him though I knew

I got exactly what I wanted

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