Hiding the truth

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Warning :sh

Chuuya pov:

It's been at least a few days since Dazai visited me since then nobody visited,all I could think about is that's day and his harsh words I am nothing but a tool for him...."I can't believe I fell for a liar" I said quietly looking at the burnt picture...that idiot had me in this hospital for almost a month now...all because I believed he cared for me

After I woke up I've been getting blood test because of the fog they said everyone but me and a few others died from it or so they believe...I saw a nurse walk in leaving a eerie feeling in the room as her face is full of sorrow

I look at her "I have some bad news and good news to tell you Mr.Nakahara" She said standing above me "we'll go ahead already I'm ready to get out of here..." I said sitting up "well as you know you was hit by unknown fog we tested your blood and we found some poison in your blood stream we figured out that its been spreading ever since the accident we are trying to see what kind of poison it is but we don't have anything yet we caught the person who did it but we can't seem to get anything out of him all the info we was given is the poison is likley to kill you in 3 or 4 months..."

My eyes widened as I heard the last sentence come out her mouth "I'm sorry Mr.Nakahara we are trying all we can but since this is a new type of poison we don't think we can do it in time we are going to let you leave now so you can enjoy the rest of your time alive" She said with a smile full of pity I just look down still stunned from the news "I'll give you some time to yourself..." she said walking out

I sighed it's all my fault...if I wasn't so foolish this never would have happened...

I thought looking at my bandaged arms "I can't let anyone know not yet...if I do I won't be useful anymore...then they would all abandon me especially the mafia...." I only sighed as I got up and grabbed my coat and hat that sat on a chair before grabbing my gifts then started to go home I ended up using my ability to get home

I unlocked my door to see everything clean I set my shoes at the door before locking the door behind me I carried the stuff in my room putting the notes on my nightstand I walked in my walk-in closet searching for some clothes to wear since it was getting late

That was until I started to get a sharp pain in my head making me grab my head in pain "this is going to be hell..." I said before grabbing some random baggy pants and turning off the closet light I walked into the bathroom and began to unwrap my bandages as I looked at my scared body my arms being the worst the burns seemed to take over my skin

After I got out I wrapped myself in a towel drying my wet hair I sighed going into my cabinet grabbing some bandages "it's been a while since I've used this I thought remembering

5 years ago

No one's pov:

Chuuya sat comfortably on his couch sipping on his wine while he watched a random crime movie "Tch pathetic it was obviously the girl I mean she literally was near the body holding the knife" he said rolling his eyes before there was a knock on the door

He got up sighing going on his tiptoes to look through the peephole to see a bandaged boy in front of his door his eyes empty and brown his brown hair wet from the rain the ginger boy unlock the door letting him in "what do you want Dazai" Chuuya asked his voice harm and demanding

"Relaxxxx~ I'm only here because it was raining~" he said hanging up his wet coat "ugh whatever" the ginger  said rolling his eyes before Dazai plopped on the couch lazily "HEY GET OFF MY COUCH YOU SMELL LIKE FISH!" Chuuya yelled at him "How about no..." Dazai said nonchalantly

Chuuya only sighed before sitting next to the other it was quiet for a while until Chuuya broke the silence  "your arm is bleeding" he said looking at the other his eyes widened as he looked at the blood soaking through his wet shirt the other only sighed

"Come on so I can bandage your arm..." he said in a calm tone causing Dazai to look down "fine..." he got up walking to the bathroom sitting on the toilet as he rolled up his sleeves Chuuya carefully unwrapped the bandage before using rubbing alcohol to clean Dazai's cuts

It was quiet as Dazai seemed to be in his own mind until Chuuya spoke "these seem deep...." The brunette only stared into the gingers eyes which was full of sadness "there is no need to pity me..." he said dully causing Chuuya's heart to sting "I'm not pitying you...I'm just..." Chuuya stopped and looked down "your just what..." the other said dully "I'm tired of this Dazai...it hurts to see you coming here with these cuts I mean I'm scared I might lose you one day...I just want you to at least to try to stop...I know I know little to nothing about you but can you at least try and enjoy life....?"he said looking up at the other

It was quiet as the other only looked down at the troubled ginger "I'm not leaving this world...not yet at least...it's unfortunate but true..." he said looking away from Chuuya causing him to sigh "good I don't need you dying..."he said as he began to wrap once again

After they both sat awkwardly on the couch watching a movie Chuuya farther away from the other "I guess I'll be leaving..." Dazai said getting up before he felt someone grab his wrist "Stay...please..." Dazai only chuckled then sat down next to him


Chuuya pov:

I wrapped the bandages on my arms and stomach as my head seem to get a bit better I walked back up to my room putting my clothes in the basket before walking down stairs and grabbing myself some wine and drinking myself away

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