Unlikely friendship

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Tw:throwing up,underage drinking,suicide attempts


When I woke up it was still dark and his arm was still around me that's when I noticed my nose started to bleed again and my chest started to burn I went to the bathroom coughing closing the door behind me as I coughed in my hand revealing blood I continued to cough up blood until I felt dizzy blood dripping down my mouth as I began to feel my stomach turn making me lower myself to the toilet opening the seat

I couldn't help it as tears formed in my eyes seeing the toilet water turn a hue of pink as I gagged until I violently threw up until I couldn't no more I wiped my mouth with tissue as I threw it in the toilet closing the lid as I flushed it grabbing the a room spray to cover up the smell as I looked at the pills that sat on the sink I decided to keep them for now and wait for the harder days then straightened everything up leaving the bathroom shortly after

I sat down next to him looking at him sleep peacefully I smiled as I lay on him moving his arm on me as I grabbed a blanket that sat by me covering us both up before I just closed my eyes noticing this is the first time I ever felt comfortable enough to actually get some sleep

I smiled as I dozed off feeling his soft breaths



I felt someone poking me "huh..." I mumbled rubbed my eyes noticing I was laying on top of Dazai I blushed as I saw him just stare "it seems like we got a bit to comfortable...!" He joked as I blushed getting off of him "I guess we did..." I mumbled I got up "well I have to go..." I sighed

When I said that Dazai's face got kind of sad "Oh ok chibi!" He said cheerfully despite his sad expression he got up "Well I guess I have to go too!" He stretched getting up "And anyway I have some plans I must fulfill to annoy Kunikida!" He said as I handed him his jacket his smell now now me it wasn't a bad one it was just comforting

That was until I felt my nose bleed again I sighed grabbing a tissue "does that usually happen?" He asked "no..." I lied i guess my nose was just dry or something I mean it is normal for it to happen sometimes..." I lied holding the tissue to my nose "I guess" Dazai said in a calm voice

We stood awkwardly "Well you should-" I said before Dazai cut me off "What happened...after the crash I mean..."he spat out as if holding it in for decades I paused looking at him then just saying "nothing got a few scars but it's nothing really...." I sighed "Dazai looked uncertain but eventually believed me or so I hope just before just looking at me "see you later we can meet whenever...ok?" He said near the door

"Ok...I know...?"


I sighed the pounding in my head not stopping not because of a hangover but from this stupid poison that's going to kill me in a few months

I laid my head on the desk trying to finish my paperwork as I looked at 2 other stacks of papers "Ughhhhhhhhhh!" I said putting my head down in the crease of my arm until my arm felt wet I looked at it to see blood staining my sleeve I cursed under my breath grabbing a tissue holding it to my nose as I tried to accomplish my task

That was until I couldn't handle it anymore

I needed a break I doubted boss would mind that much beside I'm nothing but a chess piece to him it's not like anyone would care or even notice I've been gone

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