The mission

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Warning:mention of Suicide

Dazai's pov:

I laid on my stomach on the couch as I listened to my favorite suicide song until I felt Kunikida's harsh steps as he snuck up on me "Ay Dazai get your lazy ass up you have a mission" he said taking my headphones off "uhhhhhh how about no..." "HUH! You have to every one else is busy and Ranpo isn't into any type of combat nor does he wish to work with the port mafia...." He said pushing up his glasses

"Port mafia?" I asked "yeah your supposed to work with Chuuya I believe..." I sighed "fine when am I supposed to go..." I said standing up putting my hands in my pockets "in a few hours I suppose all that is happening is stopping a bomber from blowing up a hotel in the hotel is thousands of bombs under the structure of it the bomber is said to be gifted so it'll be better to bring you just in case"

"That's reasonable..."I said walking to the door "Now get going I got work to get back to..." he said showing his ideal book before I could leave I heard Ranpo

"Be careful with your choices Osamu...."


Chuuya pov:

I walked into the base as I saw Ryu walking by in his same monotone way almost like a robot...Until I caught his attention "Hey Ryu!" I yelled causing him to look at me "hello Nakahara-San" I sighed there is no point in forcing it I coughed a bit "Are you ok...?" He asked concerned that I wouldn't stop "yeah I'm fine just haven't been feeling well but it shouldn't be much of a problem"

I said smiling at him  "ok..." he said "well boss said you have a mission with Dazai" My blood boiled hearing that name "ok..." he hands me some files "these are for the case..." he said before I began to have a coughing fit as my headache got worse "you sure your ok if needed I can go instead..."he said with a hint in concern in his eyes "yes I'm fine Ryu" I said patting his back walking off

I walked outside forgetting about my car that caught on fire until realization hit me I sighed "just going have to use my older one for now..." I said using my ability to go back to my house when I got there I pack some things then I went in my garage it's as big as a second big house but it holds my 5 other cars 4 motorcycles and of course my favorite motorcycle and other storage I didn't want in my house

Before walking in I held my head for a minute my head throbbing worse than any hangover I had before it slowly began to fade I walked into the garage getting in a Dark blue car putting my stuff on the seat besides me before driving it out and shutting the garage I began to drive towards the agency filled with anger

"Out of anybody even the tiger kid I had to work with him..."I thought but a part of me was happy still wanting to fix thing which I knew was stupid and naive

I mentally slapped myself out of thought when I saw the tiger kid walking towards the agency I slowed down my car then rolled down my window as I yelled "AY KID!" obviously startling him I stopped the car he looked around like a idiot before walking to my car

"Ehhhhh Chuuya-San what are you doing here" he said confused bending down making his butt stick out "you really need to stop standing like that kid it makes you look stupid" I said staring at him "EHHHHHH OH IM SORRYYYY" he said popping up "it's fine I'm just trying to help you so you won't look like a idiot..." I said staring at him as he looked stiff I sighed giving up "well why are you here Chuuya-San...your not here to kidnap me are you...if you are I don't know what I'll doooo~" He cried

"Wha-no I'm just here for Osamu we have a mission together" I sighed looking at his mood switch fast "Oh-Osamu?.........Ooooooo Dazai-San I can go get him!BE RIGHT BACK!" He yelled running cat like into the agency building

After a while he came out with Dazai which held one bag hugging on the poor boy who was trying to get away "let be gooooo~Dazai-San I have to go or Kunikida-San will yell at me!" The boy cried before he tripped falling on his face his butt in the air "ow~" he cried getting up "Bye Atsushiiii-Kunnnnn!" Dazai said his face stupid as he looked at Atsushi walk away crying to himself "bye Dazai-San"he said waving at Dazai

Dazai plopped in the back seat silently not saying a word as we drove quietly I sighed as he seemed to stare at me "what..." I asked sharply as he finally answered "nothing..." he said looking out the window

Fortunately during the drive my headache seemed to fade all the way we fortunately made it to the hotel without any complications "You know what we're doing right..." I ask parking the car "yes this is supposed to be a undercover mission the bomber said they would blow up the hotel in 4 days so all we need to do is act normal and find anyone who is being suspicious..." I nodded getting out the car while grabbing my bags while Dazai did the same

When I got out I had gotten dizzy suddenly I held my head as I closed the door "come on" Dazai said not noticing as I shut the car door I followed silently as he opened the doors for me we walked to the front desk to get a room "Hello!" A lady said smiling "You guys look like a cute couple!" Before Dazai could speak I spoke up "we are not a couple..." "OH! I'm so sorry then we only have one room left!" I sighed "it's fine"

After all of that we walked to our room unpacking there were two separate beds a bathroom somewhere to the right a table with a large tv and a coffee machine with a balcony with a amazing view of land and water below us

I sighed plopping down on my bed "I can already tell this is going to be a lot..." I muttered

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