Feelings thats hard to understand

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Chuuya pov:

For the first 2 days everyone seemed normal nobody seemed off and Dazai wasn't being a asshole but I've noticed the headaches got so bad i almost passed out about 3 times throughout those days luckily it did cause attention but if it continues I don't know what I'm going to do...


I laid on my bed grabbing my phone checking the time it was 10:37am "crap" I got up quickly becoming dizzy from the sudden movement "Wake up Osamu were about to miss breakfast!" I yelled at the brunette which was for some reason laying on the floor

He groaned "fine~" he got up in his same everyday outfit just without his coat "were you drunk...?" I asked grabbing different clothes out my bag "mhm" he said simply putting on his coat causing me to sigh "I told you that whiskey was strong and yet you still drunk 5 whole cups!"I yelled at him turning him

"What are you worried about me or something I mean you drunk to..." "WHA-NO! WHY WOULD I I HATE YOU!" I yelled turning away hiding my obvious red blushing face "Damn it..."I thought

Why do I still care about him...after all he did....

I rushed into the bathroom my face burning and red as Dazai simply smiled as all I did is growled in response...

Dazai pov:

I smiled as I saw Chuuya rush to the bathroom growling it's been a few days so far the only person I suspect is a kid here they've been walking around but I have not once seen a parent or guardian she normally comes down around this time so we will likely bump into her so it can be easier to question her I thought until a sharp voice startled me

Chuuya pov:

I walked out seeing Dazai just stand there "Come on" I said my voice sharp grabbing his attention he rolled his eyes walking with me

Eventually we reached downstairs where breakfast was served it was crowded people grabbing children that went wild like fly of those who was just walk-in or getting breakfast I sighed that's when I saw Dazai stare at little girl speeding towards him before she could knock into him he caught her attention causing her to stop in her tracks she moved away from him as if trying to avoid touching him in the slightest

She had two big purple braids some of her hair held from colorful pins she were a pink puffy dress leading to her ankle the big peach colored ribbon on the dress sticking out the most "Are you ok?" Dazai asked "the girl looked up and nodded her eyes dull and blue

Dazai looked me as if signaling me to pay attention "where's your parents?" She stared for a bit "well I stay here with my brother..." she said holding he arm uncomfortably "oh is he down here?it's a little to crowded to be running around by yourself..."

But I couldn't bring myself to listen to all of it as my head started to throb it wasn't as bad as the others but it was enough to distract me from the conversation

But that's when Dazai's cold tone broke me out of it "come on I know who it is..." "h-huh" I stuttered chasing after him we climbed down many stairs quietly until we reached the last floor the hallway was long as we went door to door looking at numbers until I seen a boy about 19 peak his head out and tried to run for an exit triggering Dazai to run as I ran to him his hand touched the exit door till I got to him aggressively pushing him to the ground

"LET ME GO BASTARD!" He yelled as Dazai caught up "No can do!" He said in a fake happy voice "but one thing you can do is tell us where the detonator to the bombs are if you don't tell us we will just turn you in with nothing to plead your case" his voice became demanding anyone with a mind would tell they only have one choice



After that it was told that the detonator was set up in his room it was a big hole in the floor under the bed leading a secret passage under the structure of the building where many bombs that was not yet detonated sat in perfect lines Dazai called the bomb squad as the boy was arrested everyone was evacuated out of the building safely

Me and Dazai watched people flee out calmly mummers of relief and worry was only thing I heard heard it turns out that the little girl we saw was supposed to be with her mother but he kidnapped her so she can blow up with the rest of the people here because he was jealous

I watched as she happily ran to her mother her blue eyes lightened up just looking at her coming it was peaceful to see her get back to we're she needed to be although I work in the mafia I never agreed to killing or hurting children...

"Hey Chuuya..." I gentle voice said snapping me out of thought "can we talk...somewhere private..." Dazai said in a calm voice I felt hot looking at him "ugh why do I feel like this it has to be anger...right...I hate him he almost killed me" I thought "WHY WOULD I I HATE-" "please" he said grabbing my hand "I know how I treated the whole situation before was wrong and I know I shouldn't have did what I did in the past just at least let us at least talk through things..."

I looked in his dirt brown eyes that was filled with desperation "fine! We can go to your place..." he let go of my hand



No pov:

It was a long and dreadful drive the two didn't say a word Dazai seemed to be in his own world lost in thought as he watched the beautiful waters as he saw it only get darker the afternoon sun beaming on the water below him as he stared at Yokohama from a distant while Chuuya did quite the same watching the beauty from the city to get his mind off the fact that he only has a few more months to enjoy anything like this...

After a while of driving it was 5pm and it was dark and the two reached the apartment it was mostly quiet except a few crickets and noises of crowds from far away they got out quickly before walking in the small apartment the apartment had alcohol bottles scattered throughout the whole house it was dark,eerie and empty

"Geez and you all me a alcoholic..." Chuuya muttered under his breath "there is not anywhere to sit but you can sit on my futon"Dazai said his tone awkward the ginger just sighed as he took a seat next to him "I just want to say although I've said it before that I'm sorry and I'm glad your ok I get if you don't forgive me but please can we try to at least to become close again you may not believe me but I really do miss when we used to hangout together..."

Chuuya pov:

I watched as he looked in my eyes his voice so sincere I didn't know what to do...

Everything is just so confusing I hate him right he never saw me then anything but a tool but yet he seems so sincere...everything is just to much...

I got up silently "I need some time to myself" I said heading for the door Dazai did nothing as he watched me leave "call me if you want to..." is the last thing I heard before the door slammed shut

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