A Chance

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I drove home in intense thought the only thing I could think is "there is no way he likes me...right..." I growled thinking about it "if he does that means...NO if he did he wouldn't have rejected me like that and anyway...I'm going to do because of him..." I parked my car with a frustrated sigh

I unlocked the door took off my shoes just to plop lazily on my living room couch I laid there lost in thought until I got a text message that vibrated on my side pocket making me grab my phone


Aku:Coming over

Ok can you bring me a drink Aku?



I chuckled a bit looking at Aku's text messages he's never been good with texting or communicating in general as I sat up I began to notice by nose started to bleed I rushed to the bathroom getting tissues for my nose unfortunately for me it didn't stop

I just sat at the couch watching tv bleeding out of my nose...

That until I heard a gentle knock on my door causing me to get up I looked at the camera near the front door and it was as expected Aku he was in his normal civilian wear holding a wine bottle his face stone serious as always

I opened the door as he quickly walked in and took off his shoes putting the wine on the table "Hi Aku"I smiled shutting and locking the door "Hello Nakahara-San..." he said dully "your nose ok?" He said looking at all the bloody tissue on the table then back at me

"Yeah just a bad nose bleed" I said noticing it just stopped as I clean my nose from the blood grabbing the tissues and throwing them into the trash "oh..." Aku said in a dull voice "I really need to take you shopping one day these clothes. Are getting redundant..." I said sitting next to him as he stared at me

"There is no way your going to get a partner is your so dull loosen up!Drink!" I said pouring a cup of wine "I have no interest in such things my pure goal in life is getting stronger..." he said coughing in his hand bit "Come on~ there has to be a hobby you like it's normal to have one!" I nudged him giving him the cup of wine he held it as he said "do you even have one...?" He said sarcastically

"In fact I do!" I said proudly catching Aku's attention as I poured my drink "what is it?" He said staring with obvious interest although it seemed he tried to hide it "well it's poetry I normally do it in my free time when ever I have it..." I said sipping my wine

"Can I read some...?" He asked "Not until you have a drink and tell me your hobby!" I argued back at him as he sighed in defeat as I looked at him trying to be comforting "it's fine Aku you can be yourself when your with me this is coming from me being someone who cares for you Aku..." my voice soft as he looked at me I can tell he got more comfortable when I said that as he picked up the cup bringing it to his lips drinking some

I ruffled his hair "there it wasn't that bad wasn't it" I laughed "I guess not..." he said looking away with embarrassment "any my hobbies are literature,poetry and video games I guess...." He said obviously embarrassed "well than how about this..." I said placing down my cup "I'll let you read one of my poems and play on my game system after our drinks" I smiled at him "ok..." He said with a failed attempt of a smile

So with that said we did exactly that we drunk a bit well more like Aku drunk a bit I let him read one of my poems and we played some video games which surprisingly Aku is very good at he won against me 9-1...

"Ughhhh how come your so good at this..." I groaned "well I have played for a while and plus I'm on level 100..." he said blandly "level 100!" I exclaimed "WAIT THAT MEANS THATS YOU ON THE LEADER BOARD" I pointed at the 4th person on the list named Diablo66

"I guess it is..." he said blandly causing my to sigh "well I'll just have to practice so I can beat you!" I pouted making him laugh a little catching me off guard "Aku...did you just laugh..." I said surprised his face turned red with embarrassment "no I did not...." He covered his face coughing in his hand

"Oh my gosh...YOU LAUGHED!" I exclaimed as he blushed more I laughed teasing him as he embarrassedly looked away from my covering his face

After that we calmed down a bit we ended up watching a movie until I felt the air tense up "Nakahara-San...?" He asked catching my attention "yes..." I said looking at him sipping more wine

"What happened...that time you got in the car crash I mean..." I could tell he felt bad for asking but he was also concerned as he looked at me concerned as I looked down in shame "please I told you about my lung disease...and I'm was just....worried about you..."

I sighed "well um I guess I got in a disagreement with someone I saw as someone close making me upset I guess you can say it's hard to fight back when your vulnerable..." I looked down "who saved you..." Aku asked his aura seemed calm it was obvious he was trying to comfort me but didn't know how to...

"It was the same person who I had the disagreement with...and now I don't know to hate them or forgive..." Aku got up putting back on his coat "to be honest I don't know either but I believe if the person cared enough to follow and save you you should give them at least one more chance..." He said heading for the door

I thought as I looked up seeing him grab for the handle I quickly grabbed the poem off the table floating it to him "here this is a token of my appreciation" I said placing it in his hand I smiled at him as he seemed shocked for a moment as he opened the door "No,...thank you I enjoyed our time together" he held the poem close to him as he looked back

He wasn't smiling but I can tell by his sincere expression he was happy...

I watched as he left out as I sat down huffing out a sigh

"A Chance..."

"Should I give him one more chance..." I glance a the paper that sat neatly on my phone

I sighed as I grabbed my phone dialing a number as the butterfly's flew throughout my stomach as it rung


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