Worst Than I Thought...

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Tw:torture mentioned


I awoke cuddled up to a certain handsome brunette he had his arm wrapped around me watching Tv,feeling me move a bit he looked down at me "morning chibi.." he said calmly I yawned sitting up "morning mackerel.." he looked at me his expression soft but unreadable "you ok?" He asked

I stretched groaning a bit "yup..definitely need some coffee for this hangover though.." I chuckled making Dazai smile at me slightly "coming right up.." he said calmly getting up,he walked to the kitchen as I began to sit comfortably I looked at my phone seeing it was about 5am,a bit after the time I usually wake up especially since I'm a executive..

I smelt Dazai brew some coffee for me I walked to the bathroom to pee then I washed my hands like any other time,I then walked out feeling a sudden wave of dizziness go through my body making me almost stumble using the wall,luckily I caught myself and Dazai was too focused on making my coffee in the kitchen to notice

I just sat down rolling my head back with a irritated sigh making Dazai look back before looking away in likely suspicion,it was a bit later that Dazai finally brought me my coffee another in his hand as well "here you go chibi!" He had a playful smile handing me my coffee "it's just as you like it! And of course I made myself some coffee,it's not too sweet and very bitter!" His voice changed to a teasing tone "just how I like my men~" he chuckled

Hearing this made my face turn hot and red slightly "Enough with your corny ass flirting!" I yelled at him then I got up "you better be lucky I don't beat the shit outta you! I have work to get too..." I said as Dazai just chuckled playfully "whatever you say chibi~" he giggled as I walked in my room preparing for work

After then I was off to work,luckily my sickness wasn't to bad to be honest,yeah I've still been getting symptoms but I've felt a lot better which is good because I was supposed to have a mission with Akutagawa though he insisted on taking the job by himself

Eventually I was all ready for work,I walked out to the living room where I saw a muffin and a bento box with a note sitting on it,it read:

Sorry I had to go Atsushi-kun had a mini accident but I left you a muffin for breakfast and a bento box for lunch! Don't worry it's all store brought!-Osamu Dazai XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Despite the unneeded amount of X's and O's it was a amazing note and I sighed with relief knowing he didn't make any of the food,I used my ability to make the bento box float with me as I walked eating the corn muffin Dazai left for me as I floated off to work..


4:00 pm hit and it marked the time of me and Akutagawa's mission we were supposed to be capturing a traitor and bringing them back to the torture cells for questioning,I hoped it wasn't going to be a hassle but at the same time I can't stand traitors so I felt dedicated to take this mission anyway...

I waited at on of the exits in the port mafia leaning on a wall with my arms crossed,I told Akutagawa to be here by 6:10 at the most especially knowing that everyone has their own business especially knowing he still leads the Black Lizard meaning he does have a lot of other duties other than just normal paperwork and small missions

I sighed closing my eyes feeling a small headache come into place until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I grabbed it noticing it wasn't a recognizable number,I carefully answered suspicious at first before hearing a ladies voice "Hello,is this Chuuya Nakahara?" She asked in a professional manner "Yes,who is this?"  I said suspiciously hoping it wasn't a attack of any kind

After that dumb miniature detective trapped me in that damn book I can never be too sure...

"It's Doctor Mei,I wanted to tell you to be sure you to be at (insert hospital name) on (random street) for some important news.." She said calmly making a bad feeling bubble in my stomach "ok I'll be there as soon as I can..." I said trying to seem calm she told me to have a good day then hung up

I sighed putting my phone in my pocket just to look up and see Akutagawa with his normal stern look walking up me his steps too quiet for me to have heard before "Are you ok? You look troubled Nakahara-San.." he said blandly "I'm fine.." I said calmly looking up at him he looked at me before saying "if you say so.."


After then we went the mission to find out it was a 33 year old woman that was using port mafia info to hire an assassin to kill boss,after we gained the info we needed professional torturers tortured then killed her...

Me and Akutagawa walked away from the torture chambers which was filled with nothing but cry's and screams lowkey making my stomach turn,I have tortured people before but I never felt good doing it,I mean I can beat the shit outta someone but I feel torture is a bit too bizarre..depending on the person I suppose

"I'm surprised you didn't kill her! I thought you said you and Atsushi's deal is over.." I half-heartedly joked "well I decided to take a change of heart and not kill unless fully necessary,after I decided to consider me and Jinko's pact useless I realized the good of not having to kill.." he announced his voice monotone

I smiled hearing this it was nice to know he was trying to heal in his own way while not leaving me behind like a certain someone..

"If that's how you want to live I have nothing against it" I shrugged as I heard Akutagawa's quiet coughs "thank you..I look towards us meeting,maybe we can go to the cafe together to take a break from work" Akutagawa suggested shyly causing me to chuckle "ok,be safe Akutagawa and don't over work yourself.." I warned waving walking away  "I won't..thank you Nakahara-San.." he said his voice calmer than usual


I walked to the hospital hoping for the best but felling the worst,it hurts knowing you don't have much time when stuff is finally where you want it to be..

Eventually I was sitting in a private room with one of the Doctors I had when I almost died in the car crash she asked me a few questions then agreed to tell me the other reason I was sent here

I heard her pen write one last word on the paper on the clipboard she held in her hand,she put it down turning her chair to me the silence building tension "As you already know you was informed,you have limited time to live..we did some test in hopes of finding a cure but so far we have nothing.." hearing this made my heart sink though I knew this would be the case..

"And one last thing.."

She said making my heartbeat boom in my ears knowing this can't be good,"Your time alive has been reduced to up to 3 or less weeks,if your lucky a month,from what we've seen with your blood test,we are trying to find a cure but your chances are looking very slim..."

"I'm sorry Mr.Nakahara.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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