My confession to you

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Chuuya pov:

It's been a few weeks since I've been taking Dazai on dates,and he seems like he's gotten a bit more comfortable so today I plan on confessing to him in the same place we had our first date

I already texted him to tell him to meet me at a cafe that is near the park I've got some good reviews on there brunch menu so I planned on trying it with Dazai,I began driving there hoping I'll be on time for brunch when I arrived I saw Dazai waiting outside sitting on a nearby bench

After getting out the car I watched as Dazai walked up to me "Hiiiii Chibi~" Dazai teased I sighed "come on or we'll be late for the brunch menu..."I said grabbing his hand and dragging him "fine whatever..."he said letting himself get pulled with a idiotic face

After getting us a table we looked through the menu it took Dazai forever to order something so we waited for a bit until he settled on just getting some chicken and waffles while I got some steak and waffles and got both of us milkshakes,It was all peaceful until Dazai saw a waitress he got on his knees holding her hand gently "oh my lady you look as gentle as a lotus blossom will you join me in a double-" before he could finish I slapped his "get up Dazai and finish eating your food I don't feel like dealing with you crap right now" "Ah~you wound me Chibi~" Dazai said letting go of the lady's hand I sighed "I can't stand you..."

After a while of convincing him to stop being a womanizer we finally had a "calming" meal together after we walked through the park until our legs got tired well more so Dazai sat on a bench and never got up "god your such a slob sometimes " I said looking at him lay lousily on the bench "but my legs hurrrrt why is this park soooo big" he whined dramatically "fine...but can we please go to one last spot I set up a blanket there" I said putting my hands on my hips

"Carry me~"he said reaching out like a child "HAH!ME CARRY YOU!" I yelled in his face "please~"He plead I rolled my eyes and tossed him over my shoulder "I swear you owe me..." I said walking to the spot when we got there I dropped him down on the blanket "owwww Chibi!" He cried "tch I'll be back I left something in my car..." I said quietly "Is that hat draining your memory..." Dazai said poking my hat "HAH OF COURSE NOT!...just wait here damned mackerel...." "Fine~you better not leave me here..." he said fooling his eyes "whatever..." I said walking off

When I got to my car I grabbed some roses and a card before I left I looked at the picture of me and Dazai I left in the front passenger seat I smiled slightly noticing I finally grew confident enough to confess to him all I wanted was to be a couple again I shut the door and ran back before Dazai can even think of disappearing

"Hey Osamu!" I yelled getting his attention he stood up looking at me "Whattt-" he whined but before he could finish he stared at me with shock as I handed him the roses and letter he slowly grabbed it still slightly shocked "what is this..." he questioned
"W-well we've known each other for a long time...and in the past we've shared some intimate moments...and I just wanted to say...."I took a deep breath and let the words slide out my mouth "I like you I have liked you for a long time now and I was just hoping we can go back like how we used to be!" I said blushing

My face was red and hot as I looked down I began to feel like my heart was going to beat out of my chest "Chuuya..." I heard him say I looked up to see he was laughing "huh..."

"What a joke" I heard him laugh holding the roses and card in his hand "A joke...?" I questioned my heart felt like it stopped beating "well yeah...your joking aren't you" he laughed "you see this a as joke..."I felt like I was going to explode "well yeah of course...who would ever love me..."Dazai scoffed

"I DO I DO DAZAI WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULD JOKE ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS!" I yelled at him he seemed like he was confused "well because I don't like you....I mean I never did....I never even got the concept of love or dating" he said dully

My heart felt like it broke in one million pieces it hurt more than when he left "so...your telling me you felt nothing the whole time..." I said fighting back tears as I saw Dazai shake his head "I'm sorry Chuuya I'm really just being truthful...I mean we were teens I was merrily just teasing I always thought you were too I mean you are a really good friend-" "GOD YOUR SO BLINDSIDED DAZAI HOW COULD YOU NOT NOTICE WE DRUNK TOGETHER WE WENT ON DATES WE EVEN KISSED AND YOUR SAYING IT ALL JUST MEANT...nothing" he looked at me shocked as tear's started running out my eyes I turned away running away from him tears blurring my sight I heard as Dazai called my name but I didn't stop I wouldn't fall for his selfishness not anymore...

I got in the car slamming the door as I began crying and driving my brain leading me anywhere at this point I didn't care where as long as I was away from him "God I was so naive to think he actually liked me...I should've know all I am to him is a tool"

3d person pov:

While Chuuya was focused on his broken heart he was to focused to notice people rushing away when suddenly his car was struck making a purple fog flood through his windows causing him to cough and swerve out of control hitting a building....

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