How to love someone you hate

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Tw:drinking Dazai being Dazai

Chuuya sat in his office  his head down with a not open wine bottle beside he groaned from a headache

Days were boring ever since the cannibalism there was nothing to do but simple task but even that barely happened...there was no missions no paperwork nothing the ginger groaned out of boredom and frustration popping the top off  his wine making it make a fuzzy sound he got up grabbing a glass from a shelf where he kept extra cups for his wine

He grabbed the cup placing it on his desk before grabbing a picture

He grabbed the cup placing it on his desk before grabbing a picture

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Chuuya pov:

I felt my eyes widen as I looked at the picture how happy I was...

How naive I was...

I was so naive to fall for someone like him a traitor to both the port mafia and me

So why...why did I feel like I missed him...

I growled before slamming the picture on the desk collapsing into my chair pouring me some wine then letting it flood my system I slammed my head into the desk lightly then grabbed the picture looking at my smile and the joy we spent together which all seemed to go out the window

I poured me another glass of wine but then heard a knock at my door "Anee-San?" I thought before yelling "come in" shortly after a man wearing mostly wearing black walked in coughing a bit before closing the door behind him "Aku?" I said bringing my head up to look at him his face serious "hello Nakaha-ah I mean Chuuya-San" he said nervously although I told him it was ok to talk to me in a casual manner it seemed never to sit right with him

"Is there anything you want to speak about if so feel free to take a seat and I can pour you some wine" I said moving a chair "I would politely decline Chuuya-San I just wanted to tell you that boss said you can take a few days to yourself as a break since  stuff calmed down and there isn't anything for you to do" I sigh "alright...thank you Aku"

I see him turn towards the door "you should loosen up some times it's ok to be chill sometimes you know" he paused "yes" I brushed it off chuckling as he left I gulped down the last of my wine before grabbing my wine bottle folding the picture putting it in my pocket and heading home

Right when I got home I got me a cup pouring me more wine plopping on my couch I turned on the Tv but yet there was nothing I felt like I wanted to throw the remote but instead set down the remote and grabbed the nicely folded picture then looked at it

I sat there lost in thought I couldn't tell if it was drunk thoughts of my own thoughts  but I wondered did he feel guilty for leaving like he did I sipped more of my wine "ughh it's no use trying to figure him out is nearly impossible!" I yelled out loud banging my fist on the table

A some years before No one's pov:

A brunette and a ginger walked in the park awkwardly holding ice cream "I don't get why you decided to get ice cream and go to this park but I guess it's better than work..." The brunette sighed eating the rest of his ice cream the ginger which already finished his passed the other a napkin to wipe his hands "take it jackass..." the brunette snatched it "well thank you Chuuuuuyaaa~" he said dramatically

"What ever Dazai" Chuuya said rolling his eyes Chuuya saw a fountain and a big green container he smirked coming with the perfect idea he ran ahead kicking the Container so Dazai won't think much of it "who just leaves a bucket lying around" he said in a annoyed voice "I don't know Dazai said

Come sit right here he went near a bush under a big tree "Whoah perfect for suicide!" Dazai said sitting next to Chuuya under the tree "is that why you brung me here to show the perfect hanging tree?" Dazai said with a idiotic face "WHA-no of course not!" Chuuya said yelling at Dazai

"then why did you bring me here?" Dazai put on a mocking smirk "no reason..." Chuuya said sitting next to Dazai slightly blushing Dazai seeming not to notice he was focused looking at the tree branches probably thinking of suicide so Chuuya activated his ability he started the camera right before he poured a large bucket of fountain water on Dazai

Chuuya looked at Dazai as the water poured on his head he looked


Dazai looked annoyed at Chuuya while Chuuya laughed at him "what was that for?" Dazai asked calmly but annoyed Chuuya just laughed

this is when the picture was taken

That day was the best day I had with was our first and last date...

Chuuya pov:

I rubbed my face waking up with a hangover "what a hell of a dream" I mumbled sitting up I saw the picture of Me a Dazai in my hand "Ughhh I can't stop thinking about that damn mackerel" I said slamming the picture down I got up getting me some water

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him he betrayed me and the mafia....

So why

Why did he hurt me so much

I sighed putting the cup in the sink I just wanted things back to what it used to be with me and him...

And then it clicked what if things went back to the way it was if I get closer to him now maybe I can fix our relationship so we can be together again...

I thought for a bit putting my hand on my head

Yes that's what I'll do...

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