The Beginning (Flashback)

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(Age 11)

Hagrid led Sakura towards the large white marble building that overlooked Diagon Alley. Sakura couldn't help but admire the building before her, before she thought of Hagrid's words earlier in the day. If her parents were so wealthy that they left her so much money, and they really weren't drunkards and all the other nasty things her aunt and uncle told her, then why was she always told that she was a strain on them and that her parents were broke? Why was she even with the Dursleys in the first place if her parents, and herself by extension, were considered heroes? There must have been someone out there that wanted her. Sakura had many questions and few answers, and she had a feeling that Hagrid wouldn't be able to answer them all. He seemed pretty nice, but Sakura could tell that he wasn't a wealth of knowledge. But Sakura decided to see if she could get anything more out of the gentle giant.

"Hagrid, how will I be able to get the money out of Gringotts?"

"I have your key right here in my pocket Sakura." Sakura looked at him hoping that he would explain further, but it looked like Hagrid thought that was really an answer.

"How do they know that the key belongs to me? And how did you get my key? Does that mean that anyone who has my key can take money from my vaults?"

"Well, the key is tied to your family and the goblins are able to tell which key belongs to who and which vault. The headmaster was the one to give me your key since he's your magical guardian and only you and he can get into you trust vault. Your family vault will be opened when you turn seventeen." Hagrid had a look of concentration trying to explain everything to Sakura. He was slightly confused to why Sakura would be asking all these questions before he was distracted by another question of Sakura's.

"What's a goblin?"

"Goblins are little creatures that take care of the banks in the wizard world. They are very fierce warriors that you don't want to mess with. You're able to get your first look at them right now." Hagrid gestured towards the bank that they were in front of. Up grand steps stood a gleaming, white bank that took Sakura's breath away. And in front of the imposing building was an even more imposing sight. Hagrid was right when he said that they were small, although everything compared to Hagrid was small, but they differently had an air about them that told of a warrior status. Sakura couldn't help but slightly shiver while passing them. Thankfully she didn't see the grin that the guards shared when they noticed. They waited in line and then came up to a free teller, waiting for him to finish his work.

"What do you want?" The goblin's voice was scratchy and harsh while he looked at them with a sneer.

"Where here to make a withdrawal from Sakura Potter's vault and pick to up a package from this vault for Dumbledore." Hagrid handed over a note and Harry's key. The goblin looked at the note and nodded before shouting something in a language she didn't understand. The goblin then looked at the key and then Sakura.

"Hardclaw will take you to the retrieve the package while Griphook takes Miss Potter to her vault." The goblin handed Sakura her key back while two other goblins walked up. The teller was about to go back to his ledger but was stopped by the small voice of Sakura's.

"Excuse me Mr. Goblin, but is there someone who is in charge of my accounts? I'm very new to this world and I would really like to understand it a little better." The goblins around her, and even Hagrid, were a little surprised by this. Hagrid was surprised because he thought that he answered everything he needed to and Dumbledore didn't tell him what to do in this type of situation. The goblins on the other hand were surprised that someone would be so polite to them and someone from a family as hers didn't know anything. She should have been getting monthly reports from them since her eighth birthday. This was going to cause heads to roll.

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