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(Warning. Chapter contains Abuse.)

Coming out from the memories, Sakura was sat in her chair smoking a cigarette, Sirius made to go hug Sakura, however he flew back with a flick of her wrist.

"Do not touch me, you have no right to feel guilty now when you were the one who abandoned me to chase the rat!"

Remus' eyes had turned golden angry at what his cub had endured, looking towards her to check she was there and OK.

"Alpha Cub, OK?"

"I am OK now. (Mostly)" Sakura replied whispering the mostly.

However Remus and the vampires heard her.

Minerva was cursing the old man in gaelic, while Filius in ghuklak.

Tom, was furious she was treated that way, Narcissa and Bellatrix were angry also that that was done to a child. Lucius looked sick.

"I have been out of their care since I was 11, received lessons and training from the Goblins. Here maybe this will make you see exactly what the old fart did to me!"

Sakura pulled out her inheritance test.

Name: Sakura Lilith Potter-Black

Date of Birth: July 31, 1990


Lily Marie Potter nee Evans (deceased)
James Fleamont Potter (illegal blood adoption deceased)
Sirius Orion Black (by blood adoption)

Severus Snape
Alice Longbottom
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black

Family Inheritance(s):

Heiress of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter
Heiress of the most Ancient and Noble house of Black (paternal and blood adoption)
Ravenclaw (Maternal)
Gryffindor (paternal)
Slytherin (Maternal and conquest)
Heiress of the most Ancient and Noble House of Emrys
Heiress of the most Ancient and noble house of Le Fay


Unknown (blocked by Albus Dumbledore)


Magical Core: (blocked 85% by Albus Dumbledore)
Parseltongue (blocked 80% by Albus Dumbledore)
Parselmagic, 100% blocked by Albus Dumbledore)
Wandless Magic (blocked 95% by Albus Dumbledore)
Metamorphmagus (blocked 90% by Albus Dumbledore)
Natural Occlumency (blocked 100% by Albus Dumbledore)
Natural Legilimency (blocked 100% by Albus Dumbledore)
Eidetic Memory (blocked 95% by Albus Dumbledore)
Defence Against the Dark Arts (25% blocked)
Charms (60% blocked)
Transfiguration (75% blocked)
Potions (95% blocked, broken)
Seer (blocked 100% by Albus Dumbledore)
Tongue of a thousand beasts (blocked 100% by Albus Dumbledore, broken)
Shadow manipulation (blocked 100% by Albus Dumbledore)

They all took a few moments to read through it and turned to her.

"You are Lady Black?" (Narcissa and Bellatrix)

"You own 3/4 of Hogwarts?" (Lucius and Minerva)

"You are the Heir of Merlin and Morgana?" (Tom)

(Filius said nothing as he knew this)

Sakura laughed

"Yes to all three questions"

In a swirl of black smoke a man appeared at Sakura's right side.

"Hello Mort, been busy?"

"Hello Mistress, I'm not ere for idle chat. She needs you now."

Death/Lord Mandos touched her forehead showing Sakura what was needed.

The rage on her face scared everyone watching her.


"Yes, Missy?"

"Prepare rooms for my friends here, and prepare a cell in the dungeons for someone else. I will have more when I return."

Tilly popped off and Sakura Shadowed away to the shock of the room.

Before anyone could say anything a Black mist formed around the vampires, and they too were gone.

Over in Arda.

Thranduil was literally shacking with anger at what his one had endured so was Legolas, for this was to be his new Naneth.

Elrond and Galadriel were trying to calm him when there was a swirl of black mist.

There stood the seven Vampires confused to all hell.

Marcus shot his hand out to Aro who grabbed it.

"Really, Brother? Interesting."

"How did you get in here?" Two Soldiers asked weapons drawn.

"If we knew that we'd tell you! And put the swords away they couldn't touch us." Caius spat.

Aro grinned at Thranduil who was looking shocked.

"Hello, new Soul Brother. I am Aro Volturi, to my Left is our Brother Marcus, to my Right our Brother Caius. Then we have our Guards, Jane, Alec, Felix and Demetri. Am I correct in Guessing that you are Sakura's other Soulmate?"

Thranduil regained his composure just barely.

"Indeed, my name is Thranduil, this is my son Legolas, and my friends Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn, Gandalf, King Elessar and Queen Arwen"

Suddenly the screen lit up again.  And they saw Sakura in a rage striding towards a home where the could hear yelling and crying. They settled down to watch.

Aro grinned with how transfixed Caius was with Sakura. They all were. She was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. Every smile she gave them nearly made them melt before her. Every time she laughed it was like the sun shining for the first time. She really was their entire world. They only hoped they would be hers soon.


Sakura was beyond angry, blasting the door off it's hinges, in seconds she saw him strike her little sister again and go to undo his belt, Sakura grabbed him by the throat before he could do what he was about to.


Tilly popped into the room.

"Take this trash to the dungeons, strip him of everything except his underwear and put the cuffs on him."

"Rights away missy"

The two disappeared.

Sakura rushed to the fallen body of her sister.

"Please, open your eyes little moon."

"I knew you'd come." Luna Lovegood barely got out before she passed out.

Sakura picked her up in a princess carry before shadowing home.

Upon arrival she ran to a free room.

"Tilly" Sakura yelled.

The rest of the house heard her and ran towards the yell. Shocked to see little Luna Lovegood battered and bruised and bleeding on the bed.

"Tilly, I need bruising balm, skele-gro, a blood-replenisher, burn healing paste, a dreamless sleep, a lung-clearing potion and murtlap essence. Quickly please."

Tilly popped away and grabbed the needed things.

Narcissa and Severus walked over.

"What do you need us to do?"

Sakura looked grateful. They were in for a long night so they got started as soon as Tilly returned.

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