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Thranduil was sat lounging in his throne when one of his soldiers walked quickly up to him.

"My king, Lord Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn, Gandalf, King Elessar and Queen Arwen are her to see you." He informed him

"Very well, send them in."

"Yes, my king," he scurried away.

Upon arrival and greeting Lady Galadriel spoke up.

"I am relieved we all made it in time."

Thranduil frowned.

"In time for what?"

Lady Galadriel was stopped from speaking as a large screen appeared and they saw an image or what looked like a bar they could hear music and voices then Thranduil gasped.

"Yes, it is her."

"Who is she Ada?" Legolas asked.

"My one, ion" Thranduil practically breathed out, in awe of her, she was beautiful.

Legolas and the rest (bar Galadriel) gasped.

They got comfortable and watched.


"Right, you two get lost!" Sakura smirked looking at Hermione and Ronald.

Mouths flapping as they were still silenced.

Sakura smirked

"Oh and you won't be able to tell the old man anything, in any way"

Granger was practically screaming as she and Ronald were pushed out the door and it was locked and warded behind them.

Spinning round,  extending her hand bottle packed up, bar and table wiped down, music shut off and she turned to the three groups.

"I believe we all need to have a conversation, take that it's a portkey." throwing a scarf at Voldemort's group.

Then she hissed at Voldemort.

"Password is truth, go now we'll be there shortly."

Voldemort nodded and his group disappeared.

"You cause any problems or call anyone names in my home I will gut you and feed you to Indarra! Got it?" Sakura glared at Sirius.

Sirius gulped he wouldn't admit it but Sakura was scary. "I won't"

Throwing another scarf at the group

"Password is truth."

They promptly grabbed on and disappeared.

"Now for you lot, I know you haven't experienced something like this before so I will accompany your group. I know you don't breathe. However you will need to inhale and close your eyes, you will feel an absence of light, air and the ground beneath your feet. Do NOT let go. And you!" Sakura glanced at Aro

Aro found her looking at him.

"Do not try to enter my mind, I know your gift, you will destroy your own mind if you try I have protections and traps."

"Alright mio Caro"

Sakura briefly smiled.

"And you. I know your aversion to wolves, but you harm my familiar or Remus and you'll wish you never met me I will make the pain Jane here can dish out seem like pins and needles."

Caius nodded incredibly turned on by her threat. Jane loved her.

"Grab on"

They did an soon they were stood at a gate with the other two groups.

"You can open your eyes now"

Pulling out some parchment and a quill she wrote her address.

"Read this"

Showing it to everyone the vampires were shocked when a house appeared past the gate.

Showing it to everyone the vampires were shocked when a house appeared past the gate

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"Welcome to my home"

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