New World

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Thranduil and the others were in awe of her command of magic.

"I believe she may be more powerful than all the Istari" Gandalf was shocked.

"She is!" A voice broke them out of their thoughts spinning round and drawing blades they stopped at who was in front of them.

"She is!" A voice broke them out of their thoughts spinning round and drawing blades they stopped at who was in front of them

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"Lord Mandos!" They all bowed their heads respectfully.

"She is called Sakura, now she is incredibly powerful despite what horrors have been heaped on her. Thranduil you are not her only mate, she will love you all equally can you accept that? She will need all four of you to stop her going insane." Lord Mandos spoke in a lilting voice that was sweet and all darkness at the same time.

Thranduil thought of what he'd seen so far, while he wasn't happy to share her, he understood if she was that powerful she would need more to ground her.

"Yes Lord Mandos, I can accept that." Thranduil replied.

"Good, the other three will be here shortly. For now watch, you all will understand much better." Lord Mandos spoke before disappearing in a swirl of black smoke.

"Now do you understand why we are all here?" Galadriel asked Thranduil.

At his raised eyebrow and confused eyes she explained.

"Because my friend, you are going to need us, when you realise what she has been through."

They all settled down again to watch.


"How about a tour first?"

At their shocked nods. The three groups began to follow her towards the house before she suddenly stopped planted her feet shoulder width apart and bent her knees slightly.

The next they all knew a black blur slammed into her knocking her back slightly.

Sakura was laughing at the wriggling wolf in her arms, licking at her face and hands

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Sakura was laughing at the wriggling wolf in her arms, licking at her face and hands.

"This is Indarra my second Familiar, Indarra say hello to my friends." Placing the wolf on the ground.

They were shocked when the named Indarra. Bowed his head to them.

"Come on trouble we're giving a tour"

Showing them around her home, she decided to settle in the library

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Showing them around her home, she decided to settle in the library.

She invited everyone to take a seat, then she smirked, looking at Lucius.

"Tell me, how is dear Draco?"

"You know our son?" Lucius and Narcissa asked together.

Sakura leaned forward in her chair.

"Indeed, Remember about two years ago Draco gifted you with a table similar to the one in my dining room?"

"Yes, we wanted to get a few more pieces like it but he refused to tell us where he got it." Narcissa commented.

Sakura smiled.

"He couldn't tell you he's under a vow, however after our chat I'll take you to my workshop and you can see my other pieces."

"You made that?" Lucius was shocked.

"Indeed, Draco commissioned me to make it. He saw my table and helped with the design."

"Thank you, it is a beautiful table. By far my favourite." Narcissa practically beamed.

"You're welcome, I'm glad you like it."


"Tilly bes called"

"Can you go down in cellar, and get three or for bottles of my fae wine please, they are going to need it."

"Tilly bes doing missy"

"Thank you, also grab my pensive please."

Tilly, the house elf popped away.

In less than two minutes Tilly had returned with a huge pensive and 4 bottles of fae wine.

"Now before yo look at these memories please take these purging potions. I can tell at least four ofyou have charms and compulsions on you"

Severus ever cautious, tested the vial. Nodding his approval the magicals took the potion.

After removing her memories and putting them in the pensive, the vampires were told how to view them, Felix decided not to so as to protect his king's and their Queen.

The rest all placed their faces in after the magicals.

A little girl standing on a chair cooking what seemed to be breakfast.  A horse faced women came into the kitchen tipped the bacon out of the frying pan the proceeded to hit the girl over the head with to still hot pan.
"What the hell? Why is the child cooking so young? Caius roared he wanted to kill the horse women.
They all felt sick.
The viewing continued they saw her cooking, cleaning, gardening a list of chores a grown man couldn't complete in a day.
They had to watch as she was beaten with a belt and shoved in a cupboard. Then all faded to black. They were back in the library.

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