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(Yes I switched the hobbit and LOTR round it makes more sense to my story.)

Over in Arda they watched the screen as the man walked into his machine still carrying Sakura, a blonde women asking who she was before the man took her to a room and lay her on the bed. Sakura refused to let go of him so he took off his shoes and lay beside her, brushing her hair as she cried.

Watching as hours turned to days days turned to weeks and she finally began leaving the room.

The man now known as the Doctor, took her to planets for picnics, and read to her in the library, they saw as she finally began to smile again. However Thranduil and the Volturi kings were not happy, they didn't know this man with their mate. Would he try to take her away from them?

It took about six months but they finally started seeing the old Sakura.

Till one day. (Sakura's outfit above.)

"Peter Alan Tyler," Rose explained to the Doctor and Sakura as she stood in the TARDIS, "My dad. The most wonderful man in the world. Born 15th of September, 1954."

Rose leaned back against the console as the Doctor watched her from his spot, sitting in the captain's chair across from her with Sakura,

"That's what mum always says," Rose continued, "So, I was thinking...could we? Could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?"

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" the Doctor frowned.

"Alright then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of time or something," she mumbled, turning away, "Then never mind, we'll just leave it."

"No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you."

"I wanna see him."

"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for."

He and Sakura stood up and walked to the console, Rose moving to sit in the chair.

The doctor looking wary, There was just something in his gut telling him that something would go very, very wrong.

The Doctor, Sakura and Rose sitting behind a small gathering of people, watched as Jackie and Pete Tyler got married in the local Registry Office.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Angela Suzette Prentiss..." the official recited.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne...Suzette...Anita..." Pete mucked it up, his nerves evident.

Jackie narrowed her eyes at him before sighing, "Oh, just carry on. It's good enough for Lady Di."

The Doctor grinned down at Rose, who was watching the proceedings curiously, "I thought he'd be taller," she commented.

Sakura squinted at the man in question, "He looks average height to me."

The Doctor smiled, shaking his head fondly at her.

"...to be my lawful wedded wife, to love and behold 'til death us do part," the official continued.

"He died so close to home," Jackie sighed quietly, sadly, "I wasn't there. Nobody was. It was a hit and run driver. Never found out who. He was dead when the ambulance got there," little Rose looked up at her solemnly, "I only wish there'd been SOMEONE there for him."

"I wanna be that someone," Rose explained sadly as the Doctor, her, Sakura stood around the console, "So he doesn't die alone."

"November the 7th?" the Doctor repeated, making sure.


The Doctor glanced at her as he frowned before putting in the coordinates, Rose watching them intently, fidgeting. The engines cooled down a moment later and Rose quickly headed for the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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