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Sakura carried Luna into the dining room and placed her in the seat beside hers.

The others sat down, and Tilly filled the table with pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, sausage, hash browns, mushrooms and grilled tomatoes.

Sakura took a little of everything and placed it in front of Luna before getting her own.

As they finished their breakfast Sirius piped up.

"So pup, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"No, and I'm unlikely to." Sakura responded.

"But why pup? Your a gorgeous woman, anyone would be lucky to have you."

Looking over at Luna who nodded at her,  Sakura sighed.

"Two reasons, number one I'm demisexual."

"What's demisexual?" Lucius inquired not familiar with the term.

"Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which a person feels sexually attracted to someone only after they've developed a close emotional bond with them. Forming a bond doesn't guarantee a person will feel a sexual attraction, but the bond is needed before sexual activity is even possible." Sakura explained.

Sakura began wiping her mouth after eating.

"You said two reasons?" Tom asked petting Nagini.

Sighing again Sakura got up.

"The second reason is because I am dying"

The room silenced.

"You're dying?" Remus breathed out.

"It would be easier to show you, follow me."

They all got up and followed Sakura into the garden in shock.

"Wait here."

Sakura Shadowed to the roof and dropped her glamour, dark brunette hair tumbled down from her head to drag down to about a foot from the ground.

"Oh my, it's her magic it's so powerful that her body can't handle it, on top of the abuse she's already suffered and those binds." Narcissa explained to the group.

Sakura reapplied her glamour and Shadowed down.

"Get it now? Also what business is it of yours to ask those questions to someone you just met?" Sakura glared at Sirius.

"You're my Goddaughter, I'm interested in your life." Sirius tried to explain himself.

"You do realize that I am Lady Black? I could kick you out of the family for your idiocy in following Dumblewhore, and for abandoning said 'Goddaughter' to chase after a rat which more competent Aurors could have done? You could have gone to the Ministry the night my parents died and told Madam Bones about Peter being the secret keeper."

Sirius' eyes held the realization that she was right.

"Because of your actions that night, I was abused for 10 years! And I had those blocks placed on me." Sakura glared at him.

She swiftly turned and faced Narcissa.

"My Lady, I believe I invited you to  see my workshop?" Sakura held out her arm.

Narcissa giggled. Which shocked everyone.

"I'd be delighted."

The rest of the group eagerly followed, interested in seeing her work

" most of these are commission pieces and not for sale, however if you see something you like let me know, as I never make two identical. Every single piece is one of a kind"

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