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(Warning. torture)

All night Sakura, Narcissa and Severus worked to heal Luna, finally she was stable.

Severus and Narcissa left the room 3 hours earlier to get a couple of hours sleep.

Sakura remained holding Luna's hand. When she suddenly had a wicked idea.

"Don't you worry little moon, I will make him pay for even thinking of touching you." Sakura kissed Luna's forehead before leaving the room.

She put up a charm that would inform her when she began to wake.

Walking towards her own room to shower and change, she called for Tilly.

"Yes missy?"

"Can you put the wheel of death in the garden and attach the trash to it so he can't escape please."

"Yous going to hurts him for hurting little moon?" Tilly asked

Sakura grinned.

"Oh yes!"

Tilly grinned back. No one hurts her little missy or little moon.

After a quick shower Sakura put on her outfit (above) and headedinto the garden.

Tilly hadn't even woken him, Sakura grinned a little too sharply and grabbed the Garden hose.

Xenophillius woke with a shout, cursing before looking at the woman in front of him.

"What are you doing woman! Let me go right now"

Sakura smirked


The shouting had brought everyone bar Luna into the garden.

Sakura picked up a barbed whip.

"You hurt my little sister, you were going to RAPE HER!!" Sakura cracked the whip striking him across the cheek

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"You hurt my little sister, you were going to RAPE HER!!" Sakura cracked the whip striking him across the cheek.

"So, she belongs to me!"

"She is not a FUCKING PEICE OF PROPERTY! She is an exceptional witch, see now I abore rape of any kind however you made it worse by attempting it on your own Daughter!!" Sakura cracked the whip again and it wrapped around his penis before she yanked the whip and he began screaming as it was ripped off.

The men watching tried to cover their own while Bellatrix and Narcissa were laughing at him.

Minerva was shocked at the brutality.

Sakura put down the whip and faced him.

"Tilly, spin"

The wheel began to turn as Sakura picked up 15 throwing knives, looking at Filius before throwing one over her shoulder without looking and got him in the stomach.

Turning to face Xenophillius she threw 10 more in quick succession, all of them hitting his body.

The Screaming was music to Bellatrix's ears, she was thrilled that Sakura wasn't a Pansy when it came to torture.

Sakura walked up to him stopping the wheel and embedded 2 more knives one in his crotch which was still bleeding badly and one in his eye.

She walked away and the last two she threw at his chest.

Sakura then flexed her fingers as lightning covered her hands, she threw them out and watched Xenophillius get electrocuted with a sick satisfaction.

She then picked up a bucket of salt, and poured it into his wounds.

Finally covering him with a liquid the others couldn't identify and stood back.

She created a ball of flame.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her now" smirking as she threw the fireball.

The others were shocked at how quickly he was engulfed in flames.

Hearing a chime, Sakura looked up.

"She's waking up" and she Shadowed to Luna's side.

Sirius looked at Remus.

"Merlin, she's terrifying remind me never to piss her off!"

Remus nodded mutely.


"How are you feeling little moon?"

Luna beamed at her.

"A little sore, but you did a wonderful job."

"Here, a pain potion, when you've had that and showered, I'll take you to the library."

Luna did as told. Before she could leave the room however, Sakura scooped her up in a princess carry.

She walk into the library and sat in a chair by the fire, placing Luna in her lap who snuggled in.

"Will you sing to me?" Luna asked.

"Anything for you little moon."

The others came inside the library just as she began to sing.


Over in Arda

The room was shocked at how vicious Sakura could be.

"Well, she seems to have a strong sense of justice." Marcus commented

Caius was trying to hide his erection.

"She's a beautiful singer." Arwen spoke for the first time.

The room nodded at that.

Legolas wasn't paying attention to Sakura, his sight stayed firmly on Luna.

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