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The Volturi kings and their Guards made it to London quickly and searched following Demetri who in turn found themselves outside a bar called 'Hell' they could hear the loud music and see the Doorman.

"Seriously Demetri? Why here?" Felix asked.

"This is where the queen is."

Approaching the doors the doorman stopped them.

"Hmm Vampires,...when you get in go to the bar, the person behind it will get you whatever blood you need."

"How do you know what we are?" Caius practically roared.

"You didn't research before coming here? Nevermind, this is a wizarding bar we've catered to vamps before, we keep their secret they keep ours. It's mutually beneficial. There are other creatures in there too."

"Now brother, we are not here to argue!' Aro scolded.

After entering the door they saw tasteful leather booths everywhere most were full. Ther were Goblins even a Naga. Felix went and secured them a booth while the others headed to the bar.

The three King's stopped dead. It was her, and she was breathtaking standing behind the bar petting .....a snake.

a snake

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Marcus snapped out of it and approached the bar

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Marcus snapped out of it and approached the bar.

"Mi scusi, we were told to come here when we entered."

"Ahh Italiano, Cosa posso portarvi da bere, bellezze? (What can I get you beautiful people to drink?)"

The shock on his face was priceless. She continued.

"Il mio nome è Sakura, questo è Vasuki. si preferisce italiano, inglese o greco? (My name is Sakura,this is Vasuki would you prefer Italian, English or Greek?"

"English please Mio Caro."

Sakura laughed

"So 7 goblets of blood any preferences on type?"

"Surprise us" Aro finally spoke up. Sakura laughed.

"Go take a seat with your guard, I'll bring them over." Shocking them again.


Voldemort had put up a glamour and had slightly shrunk Nagini who insisted on accompanying them, and approached the bar. Surprised that there were creatures inside even more shocked at the Naga.

Picking the booth between the Naga and some Vampires Lucius, Narcissa, Bellatrix and himself were waiting for service.

A woman approached the Vampires with a tray full of glasses of blood.

She glanced a the Naga and walked over to him. What she said next shocked Voldemort.

"You doing OK? Can I get you anything else?"

"I am fine, my dear. When will you finally consent to become my bride?"

"While I appreciate the sentiments, I am not free to return them."

"That's a shame"

The woman came to their table just as Nagini poked her head out from Voldemort's collar.

"Well hello beautiful!"

"Speaker? Tommy she's a speaker!"

"I can see that dear heart."

"Vasuki would love to meet you beautiful."

Before they could say more everything stopped. The music, people talking, everyone seemed to hold their breath.


Albus was ecstatic he would get his pawn back and the money and items he took from her vaults. Sirius and Remus decided to join them and Albus had to allow it or lose their support.

Entering the bar he noticed a blue snake lounging on the bar. Pulling out his wand to kill it, he was shocked when his wand was no longer in his hand he felt the bond to it break. Everything was silent. Everyone was watching their group with anger on their faces.

A woman was standing holding his wand, pure rage on her face. Hair moving to unseen currents that took alot of power, green eyes glowing.

She sauntered over hips swaying and promptly punched Albus in the face knocking him over. With a sharp whistle the doorman appeared.

"Rich, please escort this pile of shit out of my club! That Bastard tried to kill my Vasuki!"

Turning to Albus.

"You are hereby barred from my club, never step even a toe in here again of I'll rip out your spine and wear it like a belt! GET OUT!"

"The rest of you are free to stay, hi Filius!"

"Hello my dear."

Spinning on her heel she picked up Vasuki and returned to Voldemort's table.

"I apologise for the delay, this is Vasuki, one of my familiars."

"You have more than one?" Bellatrix asked

"Indeed I have 3, Vasuki who is a teal pit viper, Hedwig a snowy owl and Indarra a black wolf."

"I like you!" Bellatrix beamed.

"Well thanks I like you too!"

"Now what can I get you to drink."

After Sakura dropped off their drinks she went over to Filius' table. Casting a silencio on Ronald and Hermione in Parseltongue.

"Well well well. To what to I owe the honor of having 3 of Hogwarts finest teachers in my bar?"

"You know who we are?" Minerva said shocked.

"Of course, I've known Filius for... oh 9 years now, he was even at my bars opening night 3 years ago."

Narrowing her eyes at Remus and Sirius.

"You two cause any problems, and I'll throw you out like i didthe fake Grandpa wannabe."

"Now what would you like to drink, the children will get water nothing else."

After putting in their orders Sakura glanced at Severus.

"Why, will they only get water?" Severus asked.

"Well hello Uncle Severus, because those two assholes and albitch along with Molly and Ginerva Weasley were stealing money, jewellery and books from my vaults. By the way has anyone ever told you your voice could melt butter? It's very sexy!" She winked at him before sauntering away to get the drinks.

Filius laughed, "she has quite the flirty attitude, you get used to it."

Ronald and Hermione were sat there pouting.

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