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Thranduil's throne room was in shock at the raw power displayed and the fact that Sakura toppled a god!!

Bellatrix was angry at her supposed father, this woman returned her son to her, she would walk to the moon if she asked her to, placing Sebastian behind her she started to clap.

No one noticed the swirls of gold or the arrival of thirteen dwarves,  who were shocked at their arrival but watched to see if they could get some information.

"Well aren't you a wonderful father? You couldn't give her 30 seconds to explain?  Now congratulations you destroyed her. Well done a real thorough job, you moron!

The screen lit up showing Sakura now in different clothes ( image above) on a ledge, looking over to the valley below, hearts in their mouths as she jumped off and landed in a crouch. In front of at least 500 orcs.

Sakura stood and sharply grinned and then charged into the fray.

She crouched and suddenly faster than anyone could see. She was charging.

Slicing, stabbing, bending backwards when a sword swiped at her. Flicking her wrist to hold her weight she kicked out her legs a spun taking out 10 orcs with that move alone. They couldn't see her coming.

She ran at another orc flipped over him til her knees were beside his ears and swiftly twisted her hips as she snapped his neck.

Running up what looked like a trolls body she used her sword to perch on its head as she pulled and decapitated it swiftly riding it to the ground.

Flicking her wrist and everyone was in awe as a golden sigil glowed on her back and stretched down her arms before a torrent of ice and lightning lit up the battlefield

She tore through the remaining orcs and finally was done.

Sniffing the air she grinned ferally and walked towards a mountain. The dwarves recognised said mountain and were worried about this lone woman.

Then she began to sing as she walked the halls,

I'll piss you off just to pass some dead time
Terrible lies make the real big men cry
It ain't the size of the dog in this fight
Sneak in and take a peak, story of the week.

Weaving her hands it seemed time slowed then stopped.

Listen kids, now you all play nice (yay)
If it ain't broken you break it (break it)
Cross the T's and then dot the I's
"Did you hear what they said?"
A friend of a friend cried
Feed the fire with gasoline
Liar liar, you go haywire
Feed the fire with gasoline

Let it out, paint the town
With all of my negativity
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire with gasoline?
I don't care much anymore
So fuck the easily offended
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire
You can't fight fire with gasoline?

She had Smaug unable to move, poured a large amount of a liquid down his throat through his wedged open jaw.

I'll smoke you out and I'll burn your house down
Word goes around, made the old folks real proud
Wrote it down, have to point some things out
Immensely upset, "offensive" read out loud

Feed the fire with gasoline
Let it out, paint the town
With all of my negativity
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire with gasoline?
I don't care much anymore
So fuck the easily offended
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire
You can't fight fire with gasoline?

She conjured a ball and pulled out the pin in it throwing it down Smaug's throat.

I'm half-dead
So vultures always circle above my head
Everyone was looking stunning
'Til the makeup started running
So vultures always circle above my head
Everyone was looking stunning
'Til the makeup started running
Half-dead, I'm half dead, dead

Listen kids, now you all play nice
If it ain't broken, you break it
Cross the T's and then dot the I's
"Did you hear what they said?"
A friend of a friend cried

Let it out, paint the town
With all of my negativity
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire with gasoline?
I don't care much anymore
So fuck the easily offended
Burn 'em all before I'm gone
Who said you can't fight fire
You can't fight fire with gasoline?
Can't fight fire with gasoline

(Self deception- you can't fight fire with gasoline.)

Sakura closed Smaug's mouth and made him unable to open it.

Then she grinned and started time again.

The throne room was in shock as Smaug thrashed around then exploded front the inside.

They watched as she harvested what was left of Smaug and bagged it to the head she attached a letter.

Before they could speak silver swirls envelopes the bags and head of Smaug and disappeared, promptly arriving in front of Severus.

Grabbing the note he read it out loud.


I sent you some potion ingredients, please give the meat and skin to Filius,

Filius please use the skin to make my friends some dragonhide armour. I would trust no one else to do it.


Turning back to the screen.

They saw her ignore the piles of gold in the chamber and call her patronus, her thestral.

She whispered to it and sent it away. Then she fell to her knees and Screamed, cried and raged.

They heard a strange sound and suddenly a man with a leather jacket and noticeable ears arrived, kneeled in front of her and saw her broken.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her into his blue box, and they disappeared.

The screen died

It was Luna's turn.


Luna grabbed Legolas' hand and walked out.

"Well, you fucked up!" Thorin stated.

"How did you get in here?" Thranduil asked.

"Wish we knew, there were gold swirls and we were here." Dwalin comments.

They ignored death/Lord Mandos crying on the floor.

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