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It was lunchtime at Sakura's Manor, the group still there, really didn't want to leave her, and Sakura agreed that they could stay as longasthey wanted. Minerva and Filius had returned to Hogwarts to inform Albus of their and Severus' leave, 'to persuade Sakura she could trust him' Albus happily allowed the three the time, thinking he still had control of them.

After regailing the group with how it went, they were all laughing at Dumbledore's idiocy.

An alarm suddenly went off, and Sakura was alert instantly.

"Stay here!" She called to them as she ran.

Heading towards her workshop she threw open the door.

"Come out now, I know you are here!" Sakura yelled.

A frightened young boy showed himself slowly and Sakura calmed.

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry if I scared you. I just  thought someone had come to steal my work. What are you doing here? Where are your parents Sweetheart?" Sakura kneeled in front of the boy.

"I don't know my parents, I was left at an Orphanage when I was a baby, but they beat my cos I'm a freak. So I ran away, I was just looking for somewhere warm to sleep. I'm sorry." The boy babbled thinking he was going to be punished.

"What's your name Sweetheart? Mines Sakura."

"Sakura that's pretty, I was never given a name." The boy wrung his hands.

Sakura could feel the magic on the lad, and had a plan.

"Now I can help, I have some friends who work at a bank they can tell your name and if you have any family. They look a little scary but they won't harm you. Will you trust me to take you and help you?"

Holding out a hand to the boy Sakura waited.

"You promise?"

Sakura held up her pinky finger, the boy understood and they connected their fingers.

"I'm just going to sent a message to my guests OK?"

At his nod. Sakura called for her patronus which was a thestral, informing them she would return shortly.

"You're a freak like me!" The boy beamed

"We are not Freaks Sweetheart, you're a Wizard. I'm a Witch."

"Like Merlin on the telly?" The boy asked.

"I'll let you in on a secret, Merlin was real." Sakura winked at him.

"REALLY!" The boy was excited.

"OK grab my hand and we'll go. Do not let go, OK?"

The boy grabbed her hand and felt a tug behind his belly button.

Arriving near Gringotts the boy promptly threw up.

"It's OK sweetheart, alot of people throw up after their first apparition." Sakura explained while rubbing his back.

"Did you?" The lad asked.

"Not only did I throw up, but I fell over too!"

The boy giggled.

Walking through Gringotts holding hands with the boy, nodding to goblins as they past. Sakura knocked on Ironclaws office door, after hearing the call to enter Sakura opened the door.

"Greetings Master Ironclaw, we have come for an Inheritance Test " Sakura bowed low fist over her heart, the boy copied her.

"Greetings my lady, and who is this?" Ironclaw asked.

"He is unaware of his name, the poor dear was dumped at a muggle Orphanage and beat before he ran away, he broke into my workshop. We hope to find some family for him."

"Indeed, that is troubling. Come little one take a seat."

Preparing the parchment and test the lad providing three drops of blood the test was done. Ironclaw left the office for a moment to confirm something.

"What if I have no family?" The boy asked.

"If there is no more family left, the goblins will search for the closest family to yours, most purebloods are related in someway, however if those options are not good enough, I'll take you in myself."

"Really" the lads eyes were full of hope that no matter what he'd have someone and wouldn't be alone anymore.

Sakura nodded and smiled.

Ironclaw returned to the office furious. Taking a moment to calm himself he looked at the young boy.

"Well young one, we have been searching for you a long time, as have your parents.  You were stolen from them after a raid on their Manor by Dumbledore's people." Ironclaw passed the test to the boy.

Inheritance test

Name: Sebastian Rodolphus Lestrange

Date of Birth: 23rd January 1990 (9 years old)

Father: Rodolphus Lestrange

Mother: Bellatrix Iris Lestrange nee Black

Godparents: Tom Marvolo Riddle
                        Amycus Carrow
                        Narcissa Malfoy nee Black
                        Lucius Malfoy

"I have a family!" The boy began to cry.

Sakura put her arms around him and hugged him.

"You do, and your mother, aunt and uncle and your godfather are currently in my Manor. Would you like me to call them here? Or would you prefer to go back to my Manor with me and meet them there?" Sakura asked the newly named Sebastian.

"Can we go back and meet them at your place? Please?"

"Of course Sweetheart. They wil be thrilled,  they never stopped searching for you. " Sakura smiled.

Turning to Ironclaw and thanking him. They quickly made their way back to Sakura's Manor.

Sakura put Sebastian in her office and told him she would go get them.

The group was congregated in the Library.

"Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucy and Tom, will you follow me please."

"Is everything alright?" Lucius asked

Sakura beamed and nodded.

They were shocked at the smile, but followed anyway.

Just before she opened the door to her office, she turned to them.

"He's incredibly nervous, so you need to be calm." At their nods Sakura opened the door and approached Sebastian.

"There we go, now that man is your godfather Tom, and those two are your Aunt Cissa and Uncle Lucy and this beautiful lady is your mother Bellatrix.

"Sssebastian?" Bellatrix stuttered with tears streaming down her face.

Coming out of her shock she rushed up and engulfed both Sebastian and Sakura in a hug profusely thanking Sakura and telling Sebastian that she loves him.

Narcissa was crying too joining the hug, while Lucius and Tom were beaming if their eyes looked a little wet, no-one mentioned it.

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