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Sakura, Lucius and Tom had just finished a meeting with the Goblin King and his advisors. As they were preparing to leave Ragnok informed them.

"If there is a war, it has already been decided, the goblins will aid your side. We have been watching and noticing the changes over the years. The equal rights for all magical beings impressed us. We know it hasn't gone through but your side hasn't given up. You have slowly been gaining strength. Having Sakura on your side is what has allowed us to make the decision formal." Ragnok and the other goblins have been impressed by Sakura.

"May I ask what you propose to do?" Tom asked.

"When you are ready, we will close the bank for however long is needed. We will cite the illegal usage by Dumbledore on numerous vaults for a long time as the reason. Along with his stealing Muggle-borns rightful inheritances those from the squib lines. We will issue a massive audit notice and close the doors. We will, of course, give your people ample notice to retrieve funds, also open a floo with direct access via your floo." Griphook explained.

"That would cause everyone to become aware of Dumbledore's actions and they wouldn't be able to pin it on our side since the goblins have a Peace Treaty with the Ministry. You aren't declaring war so it wouldn't be breaking the treaty." Tom liked this new plan.

"Exactly." The four goblins stated. "It would also give us time to present our findings to the Wizengamot without interference from Dumbledore." The King smirked.

Sakura and Lucius entered the Ministry and made their way to the Wizengamot. They saw a few people Lucius knew and chatted a bit as they walked toward the Wizengamot. They saw Dumbledore was speaking to Madam Bones, who wasn't happy with the man. Madam Bones hadn't been happy with Dumbledore since he refused to perform the Fidilus for her brother.

Lucius wondered what Dumbledore was trying to do. He also knew Amelia wouldn't go with whatever Dumbledore Wanted.

"I am sure we can change his focus during the meeting today." Sakura calmly remarked. She really wanted to send the Killing Curse at the man but knew it wouldn't be a good idea. Yes, it would solve a few problems but also would create a martyr. She didn't want Dumbledore to become a martyr. Lucius and Sakura smirked as they entered the Wizengamot chamber. Sakura moved to the Potter seats and felt magic sweep over her. She couldn't wait for the man to see her sitting in the Potter seats.

Dumbledore strolled in as if he owned the Ministry, the Wizengamot, and was Merlin himself. He made his way to the Chief Warlock seat but couldn't sit in it. The chair kept moving out of the way, much to the surprise of the members of the Wizengamot. "Albus?"

"I am unsure of what is going on."

"I can provide the answer." Lucius stood up and walked to the seat. He sat down. "I am the new Chief Warlock."

"What? How? When? Who?" Dumbledore's face turned a pale white. He almost fell to the floor if not for Amelia's quick thinking and shoving a chair under the man.

"In order to answer that, I have the pleasure of introducing Lady Sakura Potter. She has assigned her seats to the Whig Party."

Sakura rose from her seat and curtsied. "Thank you for the introduction. It's a pleasure to be here."

Amelia cast a Silencio on Fudge as he started screaming. She had warned the man, Dumbledore too. She knew that Sakura Potter wasn't going to be intimidated by either man. "Lady Potter, perhaps you can explain what your goals are."

"Certainly. My goals are to get rid of those creature laws and do away with the corruption in the Ministry. I believe I have already submitted the pending audits on the Ministry vaults and those who are employed by the Ministry. The jobs will be open for everyone, not just purebloods. I am sure once we review the laws, that were passed by dinglydick, *cough* sorry Dumbledore with his illegal usage of my seats. things will need to be revamped. We can meet together later this week to create the committees needed for changes."

"Hogwarts has dropped from the number one spot to be the fifteen spot out of seventeen schools in the magical world. Our Aurors have the lowest rate of being able to capture and retain criminals because they do not have the same skills as their counterparts in other countries. The ICW has submitted numerous requests for Hogwarts to be brought up to the standard of any of the top ten schools, yet, he continues to remove classes, books, and even our holidays while pushing muggle ones."

Sakura held up her hand. "I am not saying the muggles need to die before someone claims that but as a half-blood that was raised in the muggle world before i was 10, I can you tell how confusing it is for a muggleborn to come into the wizarding world and not be able to understand a lot of the basic stuff because it isn't taught. A perfect example would be how to use a quill. She handed copies of the ICW requests and the stats regarding Hogwarts if anyone desires to see them."

Sakura lowered her hand. "The divide the has been caused by the lack of passing on our rituals, holidays, and even teaching the muggle-born about our culture has gotten bigger because of this. The house situation at Hogwarts has gotten worse. If I hear one more time how everyone in Slytherin is evil or dark because of Voldemort, I think I might be sick. The fact is that every single house had someone who was a Death Eater or follower." Sakura reached into her pocket and produced a long piece of parchment. "This is the total Death Eaters or supporters listed in the last war. I should state that these totals are those who have been recognized as being one, excluding Sirius Black since he was never one. Hufflepuff 291, Ravenclaw 309, Gryffindor, 153, and Slytherin 215. It is time to stop him from using fear to control our world, to stop him from getting his way because everyone is afraid of what might happen if he isn't in charge. He hasn't been on the ICW since I was 11. We haven't been attacked, the Ministry hasn't been attacked, Hogwarts hasn't been attacked, muggles haven't been attacked, and yet, he pushes fear when he can't get control over me or have his way." Sakura shrugged her shoulders as if to say oh well.

Magic is free, magic needs balance, like Nature it needs balance. When you have too much of one thing, like say rain, you get flooding, snow, you get blizzards, whiteouts, heat or sun draughts. It's the same with magic. Magic has two lords for a reason.

Sakura walked down to the main floor of the Wizengamot. She looked at each of them. "In our history, magic has always been balanced. You can't have life without death, you can't have sadness without knowing happiness, you can't have love without understanding hate, just like light can't exist without dark. Our world has taken the basics of magic and twisted them, all to benefit the so-called Lord of the Light, a title he gave himself, it wasn't given to him by magic. If it was, don't you think he would have been punished for what he has done by magic."


While Sakura and Lucius were having fun riling up the Ministry. The rest of the adults were sat in the library as Bellatrix was teaching her son to read, Luna stood from her seat, shocking everyone as her eyes went white and a voice her own but not quite began to speak.

Pain and agony
Fire and ashes
New friends
Against an evil foe

Perseverance and endurance
Knowledge of loss
Brink of madness
Pushed to the edge
The one will come

Peace and prosperity
Growth and rebirth
Tragedy and death

Heart of winter
Poison will spread
A life will be saved
Purpose and trust

Luna sat down and her eyes went back to normal.

"What we're we talking about?" Luna asked dreamily.

The rest were in shock, a Prophecy!

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