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c h a p t e r 1

Date: April 3rd, 2015

She was my amusement in life. The one person that kept the smile lingering on my lips every day. I wouldn't know what to do without her and staring at her presence right now was just nerve-wracking for me. The blood was rushing impatiently up my cheeks and neck as staring at her for two minutes was really causing me to act paranoid. She was Esmeralda Duffy, the mute girl in twelfth grade.

She was always plugged into something electronic like her headphones or never looked up from the screen of her phone. I could proudly say that she looked like the sweetest girl I have ever seen. She had amber, ringlet curly hair which would cover over her face when she would blush or laugh at something making her feel embarrassed, her eyes were as sweet as chocolate and her smile can always brighten up anyone's mood. Well, that's if she does smile because that is rare to see.

A scowl consumed her face as she marched down the hallway and towards her locker with tight fist resting by her sides.

I knew she was mad and that the reason for that was because of her not getting picked for the role of 'Julia' who was a manipulating villain for the school upcoming performance. Because lets sadly face it she was the sweetest thing ever. Well, that's what the director of the musical said when Esmeralda was done with her addition. And yes I was there, which was stupid of me and made me feel like an idiot, yeah like she won't notice me following her practically everywhere. (note the sarcasm)

I laid the back of my head on the wall as some students covered over my body while passing by to get where ever there necessity's where after school.

I was ready to watch her open her locker for the past twelve Fridays, ready to see that smile take place upon her lips and recharge my own. I know what I have been doing lately must have seemed weird but somehow making this girl smile was my only way to make it past the week.

She pries her locker open and once her eyes came to rank down to what I assumed she was looking at, she jumped in surprise bringing her to pull the stuffed panda bear into her arms as a smile appeared on her lips. She planted a soft kiss on the bears head but automatically scanned her eyes around the hall, seeing if she could catch anyone's stares which just made me chuckle as I hid deeper into the corner of the hallway, preventing her from seeing me if that was even possible.

She pushed the panda up to her eye level as she scanned her eyes over the shirt which I placed on the panda when I put it in her locker. It was an AC/DC shirt which I thought out with time to give her. It might seem creepy but staring at a girl who longs to blast loud music on her ears will get pretty much anyone's attention, mostly when they're listening to classic 80s rock music.

She squealed and took the bear back into her embrace once she slammed her locker shut and ushered her way out of the hall leaving nothing more than the memory of her appreciating the gift I anonymously gave her, other than throwing it away and being scared to death because she thought it was creepy.

That was my accomplishment for the week, making someone who's life was hard enough as mine help appear just one smile worth the trouble and giving me the strength to smile at the happiness that overtook me when I did something nice to someone that I know needs it.

My name is Joshua Miller your average eighteen-year-old boy who has a deep endearment for sports but has a stronger one to see a smile appear on Esmeralda's lips every week.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys well that was it the end of chappy numero uno! I hope you enjoy this story as much as I'm writing and giving you chapters that come from my heart. Comment what you thought and if you loved it please vote.

With all my love:


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