A/N- Important!!!

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Author's Note:

Hello my fellow Yummy Bears!!!!! This is very important as said in the description of this story part. I do have something very important to tell you all, and I guess I am making the right decision because i feel that its right and I hate to say that its going to be so short but I just have to........I feel this story is close to coming to an end. Her Smiling Encounter is SHORT STORY!! and it just feels right to end it in about two or four more chapters just because it needs to go the way that I planned it out in my head.And I hope you all can cooperate with me and if you just don't settle with my idea, comment down below or PM me. I'm sorry but guys don't worry i'll be making a spin off to this story which i'm already working on and i'm so excited with it!!!!! But don't frown my love there are still more action before this story ends and ill promise you it would be worth the read. I love you guys and all my thoughts on this story and written passages on it is because it comes from the bottom of my heart remember that!!!! ALWAYS


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