0.3 Letter 1

708 42 10

c h a p t e r 3

April 6,2015


Dear elder self:

All I could accomplish doing was keeping my eyes focused on the plain ceiling above me as thoughts scattered my brain.There where just so many negative events occurring recently that I just didn't know what to do anymore.

My moms hospital bill was coming in this week and there was no way to pay it off with money. The only thing that has consumed the money for my mothers payment is the alcohol my dad downs every day. He doesn't get drunk, he's just an alcoholic , well that's if it's even possible being an alcoholic and not getting drunk in the same sentence.

Other than that we still had to pay for my sisters piano lessons, the water bill, electricity, and the house mortgage.

My life wasn't as simple as I imagined it to be and others as well. Getting people to smile was always my goal because at the end it made me smile and have an excuse to let a real smile take place on my lips because at the end lifting people's spirits always cause my heart to swell up with happiness which just keeps me out of the reality of my life.

And Esmeralda always washed me with more positivity for some unknown reason that I was desperate in discovering.

But some how deep down inside me I felt as if what I was doing was unfair and not healthy at all, as in seeming as a stalker or something. I just want to reveal myself to her, as in Joshua not some creepo who's given thirteen panda bears to someone who doesn't even know me and who despises me for god knows what.

I tug at the strands of my hair and cursed myself for being so idiotic.

I just need to tell her the truth.

and it's not a choice, its an obligation.

And even though I don't know how I was going to explain myself to her, I just knew that I had to sooner or later.

Sincerely, Joshua

Well this is chapter 3, sorry it was short but this is a short story and I want to make the parts as short as possible for a reason. But I'm still mad with myself cause I know that you all won't like it because it sucks for some reason. But here it is and if you did enjoy Joshua's letter please comment and vote !!!Thanks guys, remember all updates come from my heart nothing else. Until chappy número cuatro!


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