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|| Esmeralda ||

"Come on Ella you got to admit it, he is just so adorable." Jenny squealed and swirled on her heels as her eye lashes came to batter up non stop.

I scoffed. "No he is not, look at him he is composing a fake smile you can see it in his eyes."

Yep in his soul melting eye which just wanted my insides to diminish and fart rainbows. But of course knowing me, I sure wouldn't admit that or dare acknowledge that out loud.

A burning scowl over took Jenny's features and i shrunk a bit in my shoulder just at her growing intimidation over me. Jenny Morales is what you'd like to call my best frenemie. We've been basically conjoined by the hip since we first met in my second year of middle school, with our differences and our over reacting and dramatic fights which would commonly occur often, she was still my long lost sister threw thick and thin. With her hair reach down to basically her butt and her emerald eyes sparkling up with madness she was more than enough of what I asked for in life.

And so speaking of our differences and dislikes, now could clearly call for an example. Chirping about Joshua Miller.

And my only words or more like onomatopoeia {because words are just way to difficult to use} in my case for this guy was "blahhh"

I rolled my eyes at Jenny and propped another piece of my grandmothers mouth watering pie into my mouth and moaned just at the deliciousness that it left on my taste buds.

Jenny perched her lips at my non suffocated act. " Whats wrong with you look like my aunt Mimi on her period." She stated and i winched at her words, because lets face it Jenny's aunt is the most bipolar human being in the world, one second you catch her throwing knives at her husband Carol and then five minutes later you see her kissing the life out of him, but then starts the cycle again. For Mimi's bipolarness, she has divorced poor Carol two times already.

"No i'm not." I integrated with creasing eyebrows.

She laughed quietly at my response. "Are you sure that you aren't on your period?"

"Of course not." I said and tried my best to shrug off Jenny's nonsense, Jenny is just being Jenny. But now that she had to bring up all the drooling topic about Joshua and how his perfect butt makes even his football tights make his rear end look even more perfect which just left the image to rot in my brain.

I hide in my shoulders and never dared to raise my vision from the ground. It was like knives where puncturing into my soul. I get that I didn't make the role for the school play, but that still doesn't mean that Margret Johnsen had to rub it in my face nonstop yesterday and today during Life Skills. If I could I would have ripped off her head and feed it to her purse chihuahua, but me being the rational person that I was I just had to stop myself.

Way to go Esmeralda.

I pried my locker open my heart filled with joy because today was Friday and it meant that I was getting the mystery gift once again, which clearly the only thing that really did make my day, I just wouldn't show it. But once my eyes landed in the locker, my smile came to fall from my lips at seeing nothing.

Where was the present?

Where was the panda?

I just panicked inside, why wasn't there panda bear in my locker?

This never happened, and out of all the days, the one day that having it of appearance was going to positively lighten up my gloomy mood, just wasn't there. Same with Joshua, the one boy who never missed one day of school since freshman year.

Some thing terribly wrong was going on, and my luck just got even worse when I felt some kind of liquid ooze and fall from the bottom of my pants. And looking down to observe the cause of the odd problem just made my day even worse.

I just had to get my period.

Can this day get any worse?

Author's Note:

Hello there my yummy bears !!! This is chapter four of Her smiling encounter. And well I hope you enjoyed reading it. So tell me one thing, do you all think that she enjoys some how Joshua's presence? You tell me. Also one more thing before I end this note. Thank you sossosoososoo much for the votes and comments blue_bleeding_heart your rock and your just so amazing your comments really made my day and positivity with this story your the reason that I updated chapter four today and for the dedication!!! Fans like you will always stay in my heart ^-^ your incredible and I will owe you for that. Well thats it my yummy bears. Until the next chappy numero cinco.!!!!

With lots of love,

Aster <3

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