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"He was the boy who never stopped smiling, yet at the end he was the boy who needed saving and happiness."

Chapter 5:


I skipped down the sidewalk of Andy Street ready to walk into the supermarket to buy my gran the item she forgot to get earlier at the store which was eggs .

And some how I just can't get it straight threw my head that she just had to forget one of the most important items she needed to by, eggs.

I rubbed the temples of my head with my pointer fingers as I exhale deeply and some how allow myself to think back at all the karma like events that took place today.

Margret made fun of me.

Anon never left the panda bear in my locker.

And I just had split my pants in gym class.

Yep, you all might be thinking that Esmeralda Duffy would be better to stay away from, cause let's face it ladies and gents I just had to be known as "Tornado Duffy". But being me I just shrug it off, I just really don't care what others think of me.

I placed my head phones down on my head and blasted in my music with the simple tap on my I Pod. And once Rolling Stones enlightened my ear drums I nodded in satisfaction, mumbling along to "Gimme Shelter" as I walked in the store and scanned my eyes around for the dairy and egg section which soon came to view.

Grabbing the cheapest 12 egg pack I could find (cause my grans cheap and only gave me four dollars) I turned on my heals with the eggs firmly held in my grip but suddenly my hands where some how forcibly pushed back to my chest which caused the sound of shattering eggs to be heard and make me automatically cringe.

Just at that I knew that all the eggs that I had were broken and running down my chest.

Well Duffy can this day get any worse!

My blood boiled up in anger and I was more than sure that my face transformed to the color of a fire truck.

"What the heck is your pr-"

My words were all arranged to lash out at the cause of my drenched shirt and the shattered eggs but half way threw my complain my entire body froze in shook and fury.

It just had to be Joshua, why does it always have to be Joshua?!?!?

He was staring down at me with shock and fright as he cleared his throat. " Ella I'm so sorry I really didn't mean-"

I exploded once he mentioned my nickname which he had no authority to use anyways.
"Don't call me that." I hollered and pinched the bridge of my nose, I really didn't want to speak at all, I just wanted to go home and be consumed in nothing more than my dreams.

I dropped my gaze, controlling my anger in the process.

"Look it was an accident I tripped, I'm sorry, I'll buy you some eggs if you want." he insisted but I snorted ready to lash out at him again and do it while staring at his nonsensical face but before I even allowed the words to leave my throat I stopped them at observing his features.

Dark circles were dragging under his eyes as a exhausted expression held onto his features. He looked tired, exhausted, and just so vulnerable. Yet some how he still managed to keep a smile tight on his lips.

Her Smiling Encounter Where stories live. Discover now