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He smiled despite the pain.

-chapter 6-

|| Joshua ||

I saw her today. And to tell you the truth she seemed more than just sad and angry like she usually did. Her nose was tainted with a light shade of rose as tear stains marked her cheeks, giving me no sign of happiness whatsoever. It's been a week and a half since I drove Esmeralda to school and since that day she hasn't appeared for a week. And it was now that she came back. All that could compose my body was guiltiness.

Did I do something wrong?

Did I make her feel uncomfortable in some sort of way?

I shook my head violently at the thought and rushed my shaky fingers threw the locks of my hair. It was that time of the week again and I was just debating on whether to leave the stuffed bear in her locker of just leave her lonesome for once in her life. I mean I do keep on bothering her, either if I'm mysteriously leaving her panda bears every Friday or if I'm some how "accidentally" bumping into her at lunch or in other random settings.

I guess she did need space but the fact that she looked so sad and weak just made me want to do everything I could in my power to make her happy, and that's the thing my power towards her was limited and I only had a few ways to get close to her.

I instantaneously placed the panda bear with the QUEEN t-shirt in her locker, already feeling my lips twitch up into a grin. I knew she was going to enjoy this one because of her constant band t-shirts and blast of QUEEN was surprising and basically that was her favorite harmony for lunch.

I closed her locker cautiously and scanned my eyes threw the hallway which scattered with several students and some staff members here and there, but just as  I was about to turn on the balls of my feet to leave, Esmeralda's face came into view and automatically all the blood rushing threw me paused and drained all the color out of me.

"What are you doing here?" She deadpanned and all my entire mind focused on was her emotionless features and her dull brown eyes which once were glittered with amusement and joy.

I felt like my throat had closed up just at the thought, the cause of making her look like this.

"What are you doing here, don't make me ask that again." She snarled.

"I-I just-"

"Just don't talk at all... this is your entire fault, its all because of you." She suddenly burst and her face consumed in nothing more than anger and hatred. Her hands shoved at my chest and all I could do was push myself away from her locker and ignore the fact that her body looked frail and dangerously skinny.

She shoved my chest again this time letting a frustrated scream echo threw out the hallway and cause some attention from uncomfortable students.

The guilt suddenly took over my stomach once again.

"What's wrong?" I asked but all I was receiving from her was a bitter laugh as she pulled harshly at the locks of her hair in frustration, and just at that one sign I knew that something out of the ordinary was wrong and some how it was my entire fault.

"You know what you did, it's all your fault... just a-all your f-fault." She whispered quite a sigh as stutters constructed in her throat and the obvious lump consumed her throat.

I took one cautious step towards her but her hands quickly went to pound at my chest multiple frustrating times causing my body to tense up. But all the tension and commotion that was taking placed just toughed at my last string causing me to grip onto both of her wrist for recognition.

"What's, wrong what did I do?"

Her arms suddenly began to quiver. "It's all your fault she's dead" She cried and just at that my heart dropped and was consumed in nothing more than puncturing needles and confusion suddenly washed over me.

This girl must be confused.

She looked so empty, just so dead and weak inside.

She didn't even smile once today, she didn't even laugh or grin or even fake a smile.

"Who's dead?" I questioned in nothing else but a whisper causing her eyes to spring with tears which trailed down onto the dried stains on her rosy red cheeks once again.

She shook even more violently under my arms and shoved her way out of my grasp as nothing more than hatred consumed her features and voice.

"Joshua Miller, it's all your fault that my grandmas dead."

Author's Note:

Well guys I have good and bad news for this authors note. And the bad new is that I was seriously not going to update a second time this week because this chapter erased completely and I had to start from the beginning and so my body just felt so low and angry but once I reread the sweet comments and votes on my last chapter it actually gave me the strength to rewrite this, and I know this chapter is horrible do to the fact of how its written and the tragedy of this chapter. I know and yes Grandma Jan is dead and in the next chapter you'll read why she suddenly assumed and blamed it on Joshua. And if you don't like the way that this chapter went in its direction I'm sorry but this is how I want it to go and planned it to go in. But no worries ill redo some parts of this chappy to make it better and to edit as well because I know more than enough that there are a lot of errors and ill edit as soon as I possibly can. Well that's it my yummy bears and I hope you are enjoying this story so far. Just leave me a comment about your thoughts weather positive or negative; just want to know about your opinion. Well until the next  chappy numero siete update which always comes from the heart!!!

Your girl,

Aster <3

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