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Chapter 8:

He was the boy who couldn't always be the reason for someones smile but a humans time of tears- R.H

||  Joshua  ||

"Ella wait, just please wait?" I urged as I push my way harshly threw the entrance doors of the hallway that led out to the humid air as sad clouds accumulated on top of each other, constructing drops of rain to sprinkle lightly down on us.

"I said never to call me that, Joshua, just leave me the heck alone, don't you get it, just leave me alone ."  She hiccuped and fell to her knees as her frail fingers clenched aggressively onto the strings of her hair in frustration. Tears trailed down onto her cheeks matching the weather and the way her eyes held nothing more than hurt and lonesome, clenched my stomach. She was sad and broken and the fact that I just couldn't do anything about it slapped me hard to reality.

I can't always be her super hero, her savior, and the reason that her frown turns into a bright smile everyday. 

I failed, and the fact that life was showing me that in this way, seeing Esmeralda break down. Made my realization even harder to admit and accept.

 I drowned deep in my shoulders. "Look i'm just trying to help you."

A grunt left her quivering lips. "W-well... i-i don't need your-r-"

She finished mid sentence before her eyes devoured with tears once more and an obvious gulp over took her throat. Her eyes cleared up a bit but the frown that took placed dropped even more.

"Joshua, shes dead, shes dead, my grandma is dead." Her words came out groggy as the one act that I least expected in all my eighteen years of living came.

Her stuttering arms rapped around my torso as she craned her neck into my chest and burst out into rivers of tears causing my heart to swell and my breath to be taken away from a skipped heartbeat. Esmeralda Duffy was hugging me, and the fact that she was doing exactly that and sobbing was telling me that she was broken inside. That she needed someone to console her. And she just didn't care anymore about who it should be, which was me, and because of that my heart ached even more.

She wanted me  to console her.

And what I did need to do at this moment was be exactly that.

"Shhh, its okay, everything will be okay." I soothed, bringing my fingers to brush out the locks over her hair that stuck to her skin in devoured tears as the sound of the rushing water and Ella's soft sobs were the only thing heard. 


Author's Note:

Well hello there my fellow watpadians and yummy bears, well this is chappy eight , finally i guess and i'm so so so so sorry that it was short really didn't have time to make it longer and at least 700 words sorry about that but here it is and as promised her is the second update of the week. So tell me one thing was it a surprise that Esmeralda gave in and hugged him for soothing? You tell me, you guys are the kings and queens of the comment section. And lol soothing just sounded weird there for a second. Well that's it and I hope you have enjoyed and will wait until the next chapter. So that's it my yummy bear, until the next chappy numero nueve!!!!

With all my chocolate filled heart,

your girl

-Aster <3

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