Epilogue Letter 3

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Dear elder self:

Its the young, naïve and the love sick Joshua Miller again. All I have to say in this letter is that Moms doing great. She can finally walk again and I finally got myself a proper job which pays well for now to pay the bill.Father still hasn't come back but I think it's best like that for now and I did know that if he came back I'd have to be prepared.And last but not least my dear sweet Esmeralda. It's finally been a year since we started dating.And now that I look back I wouldn't want to change what happened on the past at all. Esmeralda is my life and my love. And yesterday as a gift of our year together I got her a very special panda bear with the words "I love you on it.". And it's kind of weird to write down but that exact day we shared our first kiss ever.Her lips were as sweet as honey and they felt at home, but what I did realize that day was that threw the thick and thin of our relationship, I was going to try to always make her frowns turn to smiles and our fights to turn into laughs. We were each other's reason to feel happy and smile. We were each other's smiling encounter. And I wouldn't change that for the world. Esmeralda is and will always be my joy in life.

Sincerely, Joshua......
The fallen in love Joshua.

Author's Note:

Hello there fellow yummy bears!!!!! Yes it's finally here and I finally finished this story completely !!! I will now mark this story as complete. But putting that aside. I give thank to "everyone" who helped me and encouraged me to write this story also my readers and fans who have been there since day one or just started reading this story a few ago and stayed. I love you guys and wouldn't change anything for the WORLD. You guys are the reason I finished this.Your the reason why You make me feel better day to day you guys are MY "Smiling Encounter" I love you guys to the moon and back. Also always remember all my works are made with love. Other than that I have to tell you the announcement I have been waiting to tell you guys.....
I am planning on writing a spin off to this story to a character that was mentioned and helped Joshua out. Now it's your time to guess who it is and comment. Other than that I'm also planning on republishing "Define Sociopath" a story I published some time back.  One last things I'm going to let you guys know. Even though her smiling encounter has finished you guys will always have my writing and it will show some sighs of  "her smiling encounter" in many occasions. Don't be sad. I love you guys and my story will always be up I won't take it down so you guys can reread it if you want. Other than that I hope you guys have enjoyed the journey and have had fun, laughs, and giggles with this experience. I love you guysssss

With lots of love from the depth of my heart;

Aster <3

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