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-Chapter 9-

|| Esmeralda ||

"So chocolate or vanilla?" Joshua asked as his eyebrows waggled up in interest.

I giggled. "None, mint."

I crossed both arms over my chest as a smirk lingered onto my lips while his perched up in amusement

"So im guess you want a mint ice-cream then? Is that right Ella?" He questioned but his eyes widen there size as if saying something to me that was forbidden.

He shrugged into his chest. "I'm sorry I really didn't mean to call you Ella, i'm ju-"

I cut him off with a simple wave of a hand and a small smile. "It's okay, there's no worries."

He sighed in dramatic relief causing a grin to fall upon me. After my girly break down in the schools lobby I miserably gave in and embraced Josh. I mean it was something that I really needed which I didn't get which after doing so made my heart beat again in positivity and just felt so nice.

Joshua helped me out in matter of ways that I thought impossible of doing. He helped me no matter what in trying to make me cheer up and i'm more than just grateful for that. And best part of all, he took me to get ice-cream.

So I guess I was wrong, pushing him away was causing me more than enough harm.

We made our way in the line which held inpatient costumers ready to buy there ice-cream, we where currently outside in a miniature street corner as the evening night start to linger upon us.Joshua was gazing down at me with a smile taking over his lips once more, which caused my insides to swirl once more as his oceanic blue eyes took over me.

"So what about you?" I asked, trying my very best to defeat silence from falling upon us, which I hated the most. It's like every time were silent Armageddon is ready to strike. Making my body to quiver as well as sweaty.

He moved up the line with a step, telling us that we were getting closer to order.

"I haven't picked one to be honest. But now that I have to ill pretty much have to go with coffee."

I cringed at his words and faked a gag, my humor coming back to me.

He laughed. "What, what's so funny?"

"Nothing, just ....why coffee?"

He shrugged at my question. "I guess I just like the taste, why, you don't like coffee?"

We were already the next ones in line as Joshua said those words and my insides were curling up at getting a taste of sweetness. 

"No I haven't even liked the taste since I was six."I shyly admitted.

After we ordered what we desired from the sweet and well educated ice-cream seller, Joshua decided it would be a convivial idea if we sat down at the bench.....as in bench, well the one which is stood facing Nancy park. Which was coincidentally just five minutes away by foot. And to tell you all something just had to come over me, when I shared my left ear phone with Joshua, as we let the one and only QUEEN take over our ear drums.

My insides quivered as some how I felt his knee press up against mine, and I held in my breath.

"So why do you like this?"He interrogated, which soon made my heart fall? Is he trying to say that he doesn't like my taste in music?!?!

I cocked a brow as a shaky sigh left my lips. "What do you mean?"

He licked his ice-cream before turning his gaze towards me. "I just want to know why you like all these bands and oldies, I mean aren't you suppose to listen to One Direction or something similar?"

I scoffed at him and crossed both my arms over my chest. "No I don't like One Direction, plus I really don't know I was just born with the 19's vibes, can you blame me."

A heard a chuckle escape his lips and once looked up at him I couldn't help the laugh that left me.

He cocked a brow. "What, why are you laughing?"

This time I couldn't help but snort. Joshua had a big swap of ice-cream on his forehead. But the fact that it was on his forehead and anywhere else had me thinking that only this would happen to him.

"Nothing, nothing. Just go alone to what you were saying."I urged, trying to change the subject and by the looks of it I guess it did kind of work.

"Oh right, so other than that, there's no other reason why you choose to listen to this music?" He questioned which quickly got me thinking why would Joshua Miller ever ask as much questions as he did accomplish to ask me today?

"Well mostly it was because of my grandpa, he's basically the entire reason why i'm into The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, QUEEN, AC/DC and  etcetera. Basically "Here Comes The Sun" was the first song that I ever did learn, and I had my bedroom walls covered up with Paul  Mccartney and Mick Jagger. Because of him there my idol, I guess that's it." I shrugged but really, inside my throat clenched just thinking back at him, when he was alive and telling me all these stories of how Paul sang to gran as Grandpa was getting ready to propose to my grandma.

A sweet smile took part of his lips. That's nice, I wish I could have a deep meaning for music like you do instead of saying that my inspiration and Idol were The Wiggles because they were the only thing I listen to till I was eleven."

I couldn't help but snort this time. I mean the way that he just admitted that and the ice-cream sliding down his forehead was more than enough to make the corners of your eyes to leak from all the laughing.

He looked down at me with a confused face. "What, why are you laughing? I know it's embarrassing but why are you staring at my head?"

I composed myself and tried not to snicker. "You have ice-cream all over your forehead."

His eyes widen causing my laughs to erupt once again. "What? And it's now that your telling me this?!?!?

Author's Note:

Hello my yummy bears!!! Here's the update and sorry i didn't update early this month, i was having some family problems , sorry bout that but here it is!!!! And I hope you enjoy ,because I made it extra special for ya'll. So i hope you all enjoy and give feed back on this chappy so that's it until the next chappy numero dies. I love you my yummy bears.

With lots of love, your girl


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