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c h a p t e r 2

April 3,2015


"So nana, should I get the peach jam or the mango jam?"

She shrugged and all I could do was sniff at both the jams.

"Nana what about both in one? Isn't that great?" I questioned and squealed. Today was coming out to be perfect because the fact that I found yet again another panda bear in my locker made me giddy inside. I guess some people would think that I must be idiotic for keeping something anonymous that was placed in my locker with no tag or card whatsoever, but the fact that It did look creepy made it even more sweet and adorable.

Grandma chuckled at the way that I grabbed the mango/peach jam and gazed at it as if it were holy.
You can say jam was my life, well is my life. Grandma told me it was the first thing I tried after my mother stopped breast feeding me at five months. And all I could do was agree with her because that must be the reason in why the taste of jam always enlightened my taste buds.

"Stop making a scene and get your butt to the cashier , I still have to get my hair done," She acknowledged, gesturing towards the cashier.

I sighed under my breath and patted my Nana's shoulder before agreeing to walk over to pay for the jam.You can say that she was one of the most important woman in my life. With dyed red hair roaming down to stop just at her cheeks,she was the happiest human being who I ever laid eyes on. She would always look at the bright side of things and if there wasn't one she'd make one just happen.The only thing that did make her feel sad at times was her left eye. The one that lacked of vivid color standing at grey. Her eye didn't function how it used to years back, she's blind on her left eye. But like I said before she always finds the bright side of things.

The employee standing behind the counter of "Daisy's jams and fruits" was turned, with his broad back facing me, all I could do was try not to look awkward. I tapped on the boys shoulder .

Once he did turn around a snarl left my lips. anyone could detect that fake smile anywhere. Joshua Miller was standing in front of me just five feet away as his smile never left his pathetic face. He was the all time golden boy, the one with good grades, good looks, and a good reputation. While I was just standing with good taste in music.

Even his hair was perfect. His golden honey hair which gave a nice touch bringing out his hazel eyes was just so perfect as well as his face structure. which technically doesn't mean that I'm basically calling him perfect because I want to, oh no because it was a fact, well that's what the students in my school live bragging about.

And the worst part about him, the one thing that had me burning inside and making my blood boil nonstop in rage was the fact that he never did stop smiling. He was that kid.

And it intimidated all my ways of nature.

His smile brightened. if that was even possible as he cleared his throat.

"How can I help you?" he question with sweetness intertwined in his voice but to me it just sounded like a thousand whaling seals.

"What about committing suicide, that will help me." I muttered under my breath and Nana's Draggy fingers pinched at the skin of my arm causing a dry smile to over take my features as well as a squeal.

I winched at the pain and glared at her as she leaned in to speak in my ear. "Esmeralda Duffy what in tarnation do you think your are doing, speaking that way to a sweet young boy, apologize."

And I thought her hearing aids where off. Why to go Esmeralda.

"Fine....I'm sorry." I huffed and stared down at my fumbling fingers.

Grandma pinched my arm once more. "nonono face to face apology." she commanded as she gave me those warning eyes that basically said "were talking about this when we get home".

I rubbed the irritated skin on my arm and gazed up at Joshua who was giving me a side grin. "I'm sorry."

He lightly chuckled. "it's okay I'm fine, everyone has those days."

I bit the inside of my cheek before words started splattering out of my mouth as I placed the jam on the counter.

He reached over to it and furrowed his perfect eyebrows as he caught the price on the computer and blinked back down at me with yet another breath taking smile.

"That'll be 5.99 with taxes."

So I guess grandma was right about the ripe off price for a jar of jam. I frowned and dug into my pocket bringing out the exact six dollars that I had left and placed it on the counter.

"Okay, thank you lovely ladies so much and I hope you both have a wonderful end to your day." he said making my cheeks burn up with furry at the way even grandma giggled at his gentlemen ways which would even turn older woman into cougars. I huffed under my breath as I grabbed the glass cup of jam from the counter and stomped off with balled fist.

My names Esmeralda Duffy. I live with my grandparents while mine are out on a Business trip. My favorite animal are Panda bears, I have a deep endearment towards music. And I envy with all my heart, Joshua Miller's smiles.

Author's Note

Hey guys it's your girl Aster (pen pal name) I hope you like this chapter, and I know three updates in a row, but I did it because it came from my aching heart. what do you think about Esmeralda? You tell me down in the comment section. so love you my yummy bear. till the next chappy número tres!!! I love you guys


Aster. (^*^)

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